40 / 57
Jul 2015

looks really awesom! Ilove the design! the string that they're holding gives an opening for lots of stories to come! smiley

We mutht thtop Manbearpig at whatever cotht. I'm thuper thereal, you guys.

Looks like you got something cool going on here. Figured I'd toss my art in too. I don't know if you'd want it, But you got a cool series idea going. Good luck, you got a lot of people rooting for ya! - Craig

Thanks! I was hoping you'd like it. Good luck with your comic, can't wait to read it! smile

I'm... still working on that page... so goshdarn busy ;w;

cries in Spanish

eheh its ok beacseu I can read przaic while i wait and that awesome chicken smile

Thanks, it's "old" 14th of June this year smile it was a challenge among buddies, we were to draw anything under the title, Dinner Party.

Thank you ^^ it was fun to draw because with demons I could just laugh at anatomy and draw what was fun, though maybe I should have gone with one detailed one instead of trying to get a whole party to the pic smile

well the party is really cool! It gives a very Maccabre look and I really respect the anatomy to the creatures, because although they aren't all humanoid it certainly looked correct, if that makes sense

Thank you ^^ I'm just glad you noticed it, I was thinking it wouldn't be seen as I made it bit of an effort, for gory reasons, to see it.

No, it's one of my favourite designs!! but yeah, it's a tad violent aha XD

6 months later

Here is a demon i made, her name is KageIro
ro ro
she likes socks