


I'm a Finnish student poking around in the webcomic world with my comic http://tapastic.com/series/Sandboxdrama

Aug 29, '14
Last Post
Jun 18, '16
Jun 22, '16
Trust Level

It's okay, it's reasonable that my messages won't come through very well always, English is so hard X)

I didn't mean it as something bad. I don't think my meaning came through very well. I meant that Sketchu shouldn't feel that it's any less worth of anything no matter what the tool is that is used to create it.

Great job even if it's not a 3D program but a game engine! Well thought and I'm sure it's a great too especially if there's a lot of scenes happening in this particular town within the comic. Though maybe a bit too much pain if the characters would be just passing through ^^ ANY well done backgrou…

Sure, they're one pixel. Just imagine it! I wish there was less sand in my door mat....

Thank you so much for adding this information! It's good to know where the person offering the opportunity comes from ^^ I understand this pilot chapter is for the possible comic to come? I'll have to politely withdraw my interest. I don't think I'm suited for drawing this genre of comic smile

You might add how much or if you're going to pay the artist blush even to the topic.

So SO true!! XD That quote should be undying... You could always use a print on demand services to get that keep sake of yours? Like Ka-blam and such ^^ I know I've been thinking about it!

It is Crohnic disease. And the reward for the worst pun of the day goes---! Xeithe, welcome back, I hope you get a good breather and manage to recover well ^^

How do you feel now that's done? About the comic and yourself as an artist?

No I don't know! And it's wonderful, I'm like browsing options freely ^^

Well I took you serious enough to start a dialogue with you wink So you definitely didn't sound like a dumbass, though I would have loved bit more examples of your previous work.

How do you feel now that it's done? ^^

Hey! Sounds definitely something that could be very interesting. I happened to read this on the most perfect time as well. I've just finished my personal comic project Sandbox Drama and I'm wondering what should be my next project. Don't stop looking at that, I have also made a guest comic for A…

Sandbox Drama It took me 8 days short from 3 years to make 110 pages long story of a green lady lost in a strange world. What did I learn from my endeavour? Art learns itself by doing. Don't fret about art, try to get better and you will. Remember you can improve on quality and/or speed. Plan f…

That's bit blunt, it's fair to wonder about these things and it's even more important to have a safe place to air your doubts ^^though I think you meant well and perhaps your point was "you don't have to worry about others, it's your comic"? And not "stop whining you slave of the public! whipcrack b…

When I'm feeling super curious smile

Just remember why you're doing the comic. If it's just for the heck of it then it doesn't matter that much what you do as long as you can feel happy about it. But if you try to practise for something more steady then I'd recommend kicking yourself a bit and pushing that page out, there's no other wa…

Thank you ^^ I'm just glad you noticed it, I was thinking it wouldn't be seen as I made it bit of an effort, for gory reasons, to see it.

Thank you ^^ it was fun to draw because with demons I could just laugh at anatomy and draw what was fun, though maybe I should have gone with one detailed one instead of trying to get a whole party to the pic smile

Thanks, it's "old" 14th of June this year smile it was a challenge among buddies, we were to draw anything under the title, Dinner Party.

I was being bit silly, I feel like I have time to be bored smile

I draw comic called Sandbox Drama. It's about finding ones way. [image]

What is this thing called "bored"? I have at least 3 projects always available for doing not to mention taking care of the house, the dog, and the garden. When my nephews complain to me that they're bored I laugh and depending how busy I am, it has a maniacal tone or not.

Zebra the 2000, pen...it's so awesome, I love it.

Well, I actually think that Colleen Doran wouldn't be campaigning for awareness for this if there wasn't a reason. It's not legislation, it's discovery process or something. Colleen's twitter feed and encouragement to react I'm trying to say, that even though it's not legislation, it is something …

Sounds great ^^best of luck with Cursed sunny My name is: Spitfire and my comic is http://www.sandboxdrama.com This picture is quite gory as it's Demon dinner party...So I'll make it a link and don't click if you're sensitive to body parts or too young to witness such, please. Demon Dinner Party

You're doing great! Keep it up as long as it stays fun sunny

Well done ^^ you've executed the graffiti even better than I imagined ^^

Script format...not sure how that would be but: Elderly kind looking man walks past a beautiful pasture, only to be robbed violently in the next panel with polluted cityscape. The pasture was just a graffiti. (Any good?)

Well to be fair hardly anyone learns Swedish completely in school, and it's usually what we refer as Finnish-Swedish, it sounds outdated and weird to Swedes. English is mostly learned from games, tv-shows and the internet blush though schools try to help!