Alright this is gonna be a big one.
When Elsie couldn’t save her friend in a fire.
Mrs. Evans snaps at Elsie for tracking soot on her clean floor. Poor girl is deathly afraid of her.
The time when Mrs. Evans freaking body shamed her daughter in a public space. This lady must be so insecure.
When Rosemary realized she’d be not good enough for her own mother. No matter what she does.
When Rosemary breaks Elsie’s knife.
Jane just being Jane.
When all of Ernest’s friends see him bleeding. Although Roy, still scared doesn’t appear to be crying.
Come on man ONIONS!!?
Ernest grieving the loss of his friend.
Let’s just face it Mrs. Evans just makes everyone cry.
Ernest with unprocessed trauma.
As well as MRS. EVANS!!?
Of course she’s human. It’s been very difficult for her without James. Understandable.
She’s more complicated than she seems. Seems to be just managing her grief and feelings in an unhealthy manner. Can someone get her a therapist?
Elsie missing her friend AND then being told he had sinister intentions. That would definitely scar someone for life. She’s in denial once again.
Rosemary about to throw a rooftop at the tripod. But then Elsie tells her no and that she could hurt Ernest.
That’s all I have so far. And I got more coming. I hope it’s not too much crying.