29 / 62
Sep 2017

No problem!!! It looks like fun! a a nice stylistic concept always help to grab attention.

If I might give a bit of advice here and I hope that's alright: I think you could play with he concept and push it to the next level by playing with colors to represent characters mood changes, and highlight the emotional aspect of a scene or give emphasis on a more subtle detail.

Like having brighter colors when 2 characters that have a good relationship are in the same scene, etc. Or play around and make fun concepts with colors.

Or even add some animated panels into the mix to signify change in moods or tones.You could easily have an establishing shot pass from afternoon to night with minimal editing work required and it could look pretty cool!

Sorry If I crossed the line, but I had the idea and thought it'll be nice to share!


The forums here are awesome :slight_smile: Lots of great advice to be had!

I read a couple of your comics and didn't realize you had a third one ^_^ I really enjoy Sombria. I actually love the way it starts with a raw, sketchy drawing style and intriguing story. I like how it's progressed to a more refined, finished look, but I think the earlier drawings made it 'click' for me. Bubbly Parfait is a lot of fun, too. I'm amazed at your ability to be able to produce 3 entire colour comics! I'm at my limit with just one, and it's black and white!

Responding to comments people make on your comics is also a great way to get involved with the community. There's some amazing readers as well as artists here. :smiley:

oooOOOoo I see a comic with a mermaid! I love Mermaids! I'll save that for later. - slips comic into pocket- X3

Hi I'm KC! Here is my comic:

I love dragons, mermen, and neon things. What are some things you like?

Hello, Goobermation, and welcome to the forum! :smiley:
Since I'm invited to ask anything, I will ask: What do you like to do for fun when you aren't drawing comics? For me, it's pretty much anything that involves physical exercise, because drawing, while fun, can be very sedentary (physically, not mentally). I'm posting a link to my Tapastic comic, and will be checking your three comics out real soon!

Hey there :smiley: Welcome to the forums! I'll check out your work soon cause I really like stories and to read when I have the time <3 Anyway you can check out this piece of holy shit I wrote if you want XD


Thank you so muuuch! for the opinions I'm very happy to hear it!!! And so glad you enjoy my work!

Yeaaaah, it is pretty good way to interact with the users!

Hahaha I know right? Mermaids are great!!!

Also that looks fun! The neon style I find it very 90's and it's something I haven't seen used a lot, so adding that to the story I think it makes it pretty unique I like that! The designs of the creatures seem pretty colorful and fun to work with!

I like mermaids, fantasy settings, games, and mystery

Hello! candaceandco!

When I'm not doing comics, I like to dip my feet in 3D and programming I hope to be able to make some games or at last some interactive experiences with that knowledge.

OOOh your comic reminds me of some comics a used to real, where the strips were more horizontal, and the old style cartoon aesthetic sells it too! I haven't seen that in a while and it's pretty refreshing!! Good job!

OOOooh that's pretty interesting, I text based story, made exclusively in short burst and sentences. So it's easy to read. That's good considering the problems with writing and internet media is mostly that people don't have the time to read long texts.

So making it short and kind of dialogue based can help reel people in to your content easier.

I was born in the 80s and grew up in the 90s. Neon and Glow-in-the-dark are in my blood. lol My blood glows. I love it.

Thanks! I'm happy you like the style of my comic! X3

I like those things too, What games do you play?

Hey ^^ I want to get involved with the community. I have a story I've been working on and you guys can feel free to check it out. Also, I'd like to also check others out as well. C:

Thanks! I pattern everything I do after newspaper comics. I'm in 1 paper, and hope to greatly increase that number one day. I've thought up ideas for computer and phone games, but programming is something I'm no good at. So I never done much to develop those ideas. Maybe someday... :slight_smile:

@goobermation I think it's so cool how each of your comics has its own distinct look! Very cool!

-What inspired you to create each comic?
-Do you have an end for each, or will a couple just keep going?
-Do you find it hard to juggle all three comics at once?

If you have the time, and are interested, here's my comic about a team of time travelers whose job it is to stop time criminals from changing the past:

Hahaha nice!!!

Well I play almost all games, except sports game those i don't really love.

But I have a preference for RPG, rougelike/lite,Strategy,And tactics games.

What games do you enjoy?