52 / 73
Apr 2021

You weren't kidding about the cute and creepy! Dolls are always creepy, their eyes follow you and I don't trust um. Your character Baby is adorable but in a way where I feel like she could still kill her way through a suburban family. The blood always looks brighter on porcelain.

I'm afraid I don't have a character sheet to share of my character Mr. Graves but luckily he's someone everyone knows; Frankenstein's monster. The book version, no bolts or green skin!
So long black hair, black lips, gray-yellow skin, no nose, glowing yellow eyes, asymmetrical body shape (like the corpses were different sizes), 7 to 8 feet tall, and stitches, many many stitches. My story takes place in the 1920's and since Mr. Graves is a paranormal investigator I always imagined him dressed like an old school detective with a long coat and a face like he's been in the business too long.
Basically this but rip his nose off and dressed in 1920's clothes and trench coat.

Thank you so much for offering your wonderful art and sharing this comic!

A bit late on my part, but I wanted to take my time thinking on a cool concept.
Dude, it's okay to not like stuff, of course for you now it seems it doesn't have stakes or direction, but for me it already has started, but I didn't spell it out though, I simply showed it, of course no reader is going to understand what is being shown until the very end. The are bread crumbs everywhere that foretells the future, red flags are in position, they're subtle though.
Also dude, this is psychological horror BOTH Baby and Velasco are going to have some explanations shown, by next chapter I will start explain a bit more on their goals and what they desire :3 and where are they headed, so don't worry about that, this chapter was an empathy chapter, we get to see a softer side before it get's rough :3
Thank you for your support and hope you enjoy your drawing! I'm grateful for your feedback, quite unique!
Here's your prince immortalized in crystal :3
(EDIT: idk if you have already given me your comic, there's a lot going on, so you might want to tell me :3)

Yeah I've been notified of grammar, and it's all been fixed, so far haha. And well as for sus things... well it's psychological horror, all the bad things happen inside the head ya kno!
Thank your for your support.
I thought of toxic waste for the toxic girl :wink:

te apuesto a que no te esperabas esto HAHAHA!
Gracias por el apoyo!, y como vi que pusiste un momazo de tu personaje, pos aproveche xDXDXD.
Tu arte es muy bonito, lo unico que te faltaría es practicar formas diferentes y otros estilos para que no vuelva a pasar una confusión x'D (el texto tampoco te ayudo, con lo del uno reverso, :v pense que me estaban trolleando)

WhooOOOoooa this is so cool I love it very much thank you! That's a real cool concept you came up with!! : D and you're welcome! Still loving your style!

So for anyone new who suddenly comes across this, I shall share with you all the sketches done during this challenge now that requests have stopped to a screeching halt... so...
Thank you all people for participating and it was super nice to interact with you all and have a super nice day!!
Will this thread close now? it depends...


Sure!!! just credit me <3
also the eye thing it's supposed to be a creepier ver of a looking glass :3

;w; aun estás tomando pedidos. Yo me había suscrito hace días pero no pedí nada porque te ví super ocupada y me daba vergüenza pedir ;0;

so cool!
For a moment I thought it was on of my Glamor Engines which hides a person's appearance! it fits so well the whole aesthetic of my novel. Thank you again and don't worry, I'm telling everyone you did this!

HAHA! USTE HÁGALO SIN VERGUENZA! si estoy ocupada, pero pues no hice esto sin haberlo pensado antes y sin haberme organizado!

Esta super genial! no neccesitabas hacerle todo un escenario hahahah! solo un bocetin, PERO AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH ME ENCANTA!!!
AMBOS ESTAN PRECIOSOS!! tu arte es tan bonito :')
Desde hace rato te seguí tu comic antes que me pusieras la imagen, tu arte me llamó mucho la atención :D!
y gracias por pasarme el video, no lo conocía al señor, pero ahora se algo nuevo :D!

Darling! you have to follow all of the rules to participate, I'd love to draw your characters, (also you ca copy paste the pictures in forums they ca be seen (that's mostly a helpful tip)).
But do please elaborate on your response like I said above :3! when you do so I'll be exited to draw your oc's, they look so cool :D!!!!
In other words, don't forget to add a proper opinion in your post (I saw a comment on the comic but it's easier for me to track here) :3