30 / 30
Feb 2023

The cursed paw from my story would make a great bit of merch. I'd want it to be hyper-realistic and maybe some motors inside that make the fingers curl inwards if someone makes a wish around it to mess with people.

Sorry for the amount of pictures, but I'd 100% love plushies of these two characters in my story. The egg looking one(Z'olo) and the monkey looking one(Moda). They're both little kids and they're super sweet lol:

Here's the link to the story in case you want to see them in action!

Maor's sweatcloth (or some kind of scarf/bandana) is a piece of fabric which front's in triangle shape & the back's square. It won't be practical though cos' it's really small like... it fits for kids from 7~11.

This is one of my special merch I've been planned to have at the beginning & I think this might be doable. Once I reached Act 2, maybe I can start looking for online makers.

Mmm, right now I don't have anything iconic in my manga to reproduce as merch. I was thinking in future I could do a set of stickers like "Mountain set" with pine trees, a walser houses and other things that appeared in the background :joy:
Maybe I can think about using the Weltu as a design for merch (it's a sort of Swiss pixie with the feet backwards)

Well no items from my series, but if I were to do merch, keychains would 100% be my first pick. It's what I like to buy as merch myself

Elf Noir seems a bit grim for plushies and etc but I would totally sell a t-shirt saying “My MC went to Elftown and all I got was this shitty t-shirt.”

I could sell fish sauce? Chamber pots? Admission Tokens for the Bouncy Tart?

Guess there's a lot that would make fun merch as the series continues, action figures and definitely something superpowered saliva related but for now:

Xun's tank top :shirt:
would make a cool RL top, there can even be a female variation too Mister & Mistress Zexi XD

Crimson Panda Mask (red panda) :red_circle: :panda_face:
The Crimson Panda hasn't shown up in series yet but he's a wrestling superstar in series, so his mask appears in stores n such. His og mask gets destroyed and he takes a replacement from a store shelf.
So mayb in RL his mask could be a merch thing too

This book! Maybe as a journal or sketchbook? I don't have any plans/funds to make it, but it would be cute.

My series takes place in the early 2000s and I wanted a pokemon parody cause that was the shit he's a tv character that's a little talking stuffed animal and it's so cute

1 month later

closed Feb 24, '23

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