33 / 57
May 2021

RIP Chester Bennington. The song's about wanting to be remembered after death in good memories.. Chester's not one to shy away from putting his feelings into his lyrics, whether that's angst or sadness.. But real talk, this one in particular is tough to read the lyrics for. For those who aren't aware, the singer took his life a few years ago, and he's mentioned being depressed before in multiple interviews. Given that info, the context of the song has somewhat changed now and it could be interpreted as him openly expressing that he's been having thoughts of suicide several years before he died.

This one's lyrics are essentially about a single mom trying to make ends meet after her husband is arrested. In doing so, her kid grows up without a father and she eventually gets into an abusive relationship with another man. This puts a lot of stress on the kid, eventually resulting in him commiting self-harm. From what I understand, it's based on the rapper's childhood experience. The video basically shows all this, so here's my content warning for it.

RIP Tom Searle. The main songwriter and guitarist of Architects passed away a few years ago from cancer, and this is one of the last songs he partially wrote and arranged as a demo. The lyrics were written by his brother who is also the band's drummer. The song essentially deals with mourning the loss of a loved one, but also focuses on moving afterwards.

Loss, bittersweet loss.

i know you said three, but just, this one hits hard for me to be quite honest.

and i just can't think of other songs right now, but also check out more of days n daze

I second Uncomfortably Numb, it's such a good song.

Alright, here is my fav 3 sad songs:

reason: I can relate so much to this song.

reason: the lyric: "God-fearing men with blood on their hands
There's no rest for the wicked
It's tricky to tell the saints from the devils among us." it's a sad truth.

reason: this is the song I listen to a lot while I'm writing my suicide note and text messages and plan to kill myself back then in 2012. Glad I'm still living and those darkest times are nothing but a past now.

A tout le monde is high up there on the list. I arrived late to their concert and this was the song they were playing, so I heard part of it live.

I don't know how you feel about musicals, but this song is incredible and basically outlines the character's revelation that they've wasted their life. It's my favorite song from this show and sounds fully like the dynamic and emotionally complex crisis it's meant to protray.

Just look up the story behind this song. It's so painful. I could make a list of metal songs like this alone.

And here we have one of my favorite musicians, Hozier. This is apparently a traditional Irish song which I believe he slightly modified (I'm not Irish I just read some of the comments). It's hauntingly beautiful, but just listen to it.

Since I listen to a lot of sad music, I'm including some honorable mentions that have also hurt me:

Most of the songs from Les Miserables (I was first exposed to the movie so I don't know too much about the normal musical versions) but I Dreamed a Dream sung by Anne Hathaway was probably the single most sad song from that experience.

Also Cat's in the Cradle by Harry Chapin. I can't fully describe why but that song always makes me cry so I can't stand listening to it.

I have two from disturbed

This one is the sadder sounding one, and it is about drug addiction and the struggle to keep on living

This one doesn't sound sad, but it's about the devil trying to convince the person to commit suicide in order to see his dead lover again

haha one of my hobbies is listening to sad music and crying, and I even have different playlists for being sad in the winter and summer. Apparently I inherited it from my grandma :slight_smile:
Anyway, I won’t share all of them, because it probably reveals too much about me and my mental health history (no shame in it though, get help if you can/need to!) I’m doing a lot better these days!
1) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M9SVzapqfNU
On a Day Like Today by Keane: I related to this one in college a lot before/during when I started going to therapy. At the time, I didn’t know why I was struggling, I just knew that, after meeting high expectations for years, I was suddenly struggling and letting everyone down and had no clue how to explain it to them. Another reason I like this song is because there are just a few lyrics, but I feel like you can combine them/ break them up in a lot of different ways to get new layers of meaning.

2) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fC_P-VRLU8c
Kitchen Sink by Twenty One Pilots: Not really sad, more inspiring than anything, but has also made me cry. Particularly the part where Tyler screams “leave me alone,” because I listened to it for the first time when I was probably the busiest I had ever been, was under a lot of stress, and everything just felt like too much.

3) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fC26XpXjSVw
A Rush of Blood to the Head by Coldplay: This one doesn’t really make me sad, more calming, but has that somber feel and is on my summer “sad cowboy” playlist haha. I guess it also astral projects me back to a childhood full of beige summers where everything seemed yellow and bleak and it was too hot to go outside, but this was playing on my family’s stereo.