1 / 73
Apr 2015

A few months ago I sort of glanced at the artist Sakimi Chan's Patreon3.0k because I like to know about stuff. I think it was at around $4,000 per two weeks. I was like, "Huh. Maybe there's something to this 'art' racket after all."

Then I forgot about it and went about my business.

Today I had some urgent work due on a critical project, so obviously I needed to find absolutely anything to do other than that. Thank God for Patreon & Tapastic forums.

Unbelievable. At the moment Sakimi Chan's dopey fan art is making $23,207.07 per two weeks. She's earning well over half a million a year.

At this point, we've abused "awesome" so much we should just put the poor word out of its misery.

And for God's sake stop saying "literally." Just stop.

Nonetheless, that is literally awesome.

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There are 72 replies with an estimated read time of 18 minutes.

That's mental, and absolutely amazing for her. But those taxes are going to hurt.

It's always nice to see someone making a lot of money from sitting on their behind. Screw the relatively-low-paying jobs that benefit society, this is what we should all be aspiring to.

LOL... this is really funny.

One thing is people may refuse to pay that week so she might not be making ALL of that every two weeks. but still That is like a dream to me! XD
Its amazing.

Though I'm sad their art keeps getting more and more sexual. = . =;

Wow, that's really amazing! She's doing very well for herself, and her work is lovely.

Given the amount of fanart she seems to make, I'm actually surprised she hasn't gotten into any legal trouble yet. A popular artist in Dragon Age fandom did a pin-up calendar featuring the male characters of the franchise a couple of years ago. She did a preorder on a crowdfunding site and raised something like $10k, and got into trouble with EA for it.

Yes, this is extraordinary and amazing for the artist, but I too wonder about legalities.

Yeah, her art getting more sexual was a big turn off for me too to be honest and made me lose a lot of interest in her work (not completely lose interest, just more of a 'oh, another piece from her... ok.' thing instead of a 'oh! Another piece from her!!!), but meh, it's working for her so who am I to complain.

Also that is a little too excessive for an artist to be making that much money of properties she doesn't own, not that I don't think she doesn't deserve to be paid for her work, cause fanart or not it's still WORK. Just disappointing reminder that fanart is most artist's bread a butter.

I would also not be surprised if this triggers certain corporations to start getting way more strict and annoying about fanart though.

Her art is nice but I'm rather shocked that she hasn't got into legal trouble with this, copyright is a thing you really don't want to mess with...I earn nothing from my fan art and I prefer to keep it that way.

I was going to say the same thing. Making that much money from fanart for some reason doesn't sit well with me.

It's fine legally if you make an agreement with the company. Sakimi Chan is almost certainly paying for licenses. I doubt she's going to get in any trouble.

Megan Lara307 has stated outright that all her I.P. stuff is licensed.

And you can publish certain kinds of fan art without trouble, even with no license. Josh Wattles, a lawyer at dA, gave a presentation at Comic-Con 2012 about it198. It's pretty interesting.

That's just insane. Her art is great for sure but a half million a year for fan art? WTF indeed. She does do a lot of tutorials and process stuff, which is really cool.

Yeah, I often check back with Sakimi-Chan just to see where she's at. I'm actually relieved to hear I'm not the only one who's noticed this xD

Concerning the legal issues, she's technically not making money from her fan art - she's making money from donations -because- of her fan art. Making money off it would be the only legal issue I'd see, but she's not. She's making money by donation and therefore she isn't offering a service using other people's/companies' copyright, and anything she does offer in return is not fan art related (ex. livestreams to watch her draw, drawing tutorials, etc. not necessarily related to the fan art itself). I'm pretty sure that's the only loophole that's keeping her out of court lol Besides, she's worked for game companies before (I'm pretty sure she worked for Bioware?) so I'm certain she wouldn't have started a Patreon for her fan art without having something like that up her sleeve, with past experiences in copyright art in the first place.

I mean, look at it this way - she's drawn so many Disney characters, if she was violating any law (which I've discussed already) Disney would have seized all of her assets immediately (especially knowing how aggressive that company can be and how many lives they've destroyed already).

Oh? Could you elaborate? I'm actually interested in hearing about this (and wouldn't be surprised, honestly. Stuff like that happening is the big reason why I'm not a fan of most "internet trending" artists these days, y'know the ones I'm talking about).

When I joined DA, she was one of he first I followed randomly. When she got popular , she lost interest in non PAYING fans and treated many like nothing. That's why I went from loving to hating.

Popularity tends to do that to people unfortunately, when I see snobby artists or artists that don't treat their fans right it just makes me mad because without their fans and supporters it only hurts them in the end.

Wow, that's pretty amazing! She's super talented, indeed XD

I used to follow her Facebook page until... She drew her usual sexy gender bent version of Aladdin's genie (whose features looked pretty similar to her other drawn chicks) in memory of Robin Williams. That just sent me the wrong message ^^;;

Yeah, I've noticed that on Patreon and DA how it's sorta like "PAY OR GET NOTHING".

Not to bash the artist of course because yeah, she's great at what she does. But tbh, these are a lot of the main reasons why higher up artists end up becoming jokes to me. They start placing themselves too high, and next thing you know you aren't a reader/follower anymore - just another number or dollar thrown into the pot. I get that it can be harder to keep in touch with so many followers when you get bigger as a creator, especially because as you progress, you often get much busier. But that's not an excuse to completely ignore the people that helped get you there in the first place IMO but that's just me.

She's still a great artist, but that's all I like about her and people like her - the stuff she creates. As a person, I don't know her personally enough to hold any value in knowing her, so unfortunately to me, she's just another one of the many artists who have forgotten their roots and have decided that people are numbers and paychecks. I would support her to see more great art, but not because I like her necessarily, and that stands for quite a few trending artists I've seen throughout the years. Thing is, often times they're only as memorable as they make themselves out to be - if Sakimi Chan disappeared off the planet, only a few people would actually notice in the long run, and others would just notice that their PayPal/credit card has stopped being charged.

man this pretty much just turned into a "let's bash sakimi chan" thread oops lol