

Elm (Elmvine) is a lowly beginner artist, whose art is often associated with commissions, game assets and concept art. However, comics are personal aspirations which and a medium she has fallen in love with wholeheartedly. Elm spends much of her time procrastinating, studying and gaming. However, most times she's merely crying over anime, korean dramas, the BBC and HBO. It's a tough life.

Jul 27, '14
Last Post
Jun 18, '24
Dec 8, '24
Trust Level

Hey! I'm doing an interest check/survey for a dark romance comic superhero IP, and visual novels/interactive fiction in general. Looking for all kinds of backgrounds, and especially those who already enjoy the romance fantasy, or productions like Arcane or the Spiderverse. We're hoping to bring …

I know that look. That feeling, that the world is closing in on you, and nothing, nowhere, is safe.

Hi Guys! I'm doing an interest check for a fantasy romance visual novel with LGBTQ+ characters. We're hoping to bring some more honest diversity into romance and are looking for feedback. Looking for all kinds of backgrounds, and especially those who already enjoy the romance fantasy genre in …

I've only just saw this, so I reckon it may feel too rushed for me to put something together now. I assume the next time will be this time, next year?

Marketing. lol. If you want that kind of rush, you need to build up at least some kind of hype prior to it. A popular artist hinting at their comic release, a mailing list, an Instagram countdown. It's never really 'sudden' success. Just the right dominoes falling at the right time.

Well.. It doesn't say the BA has to be in a related area.

Agreed. Also, all this number crunching, but there is no guarantee one would be accepted. ^^;; If you have a problem with the imaginary numbers, perhaps consider the fact that when you apply, it's negotiated on your rates. If they're not to your liking, say no? Saying No, is always within your ri…

Do you have the option to not be in house? Work remotely for those whose situation does not allow them to uproot completely.

Maybe it depends on the height. As someone who is under 5ft, I can't say my height has not affected some social interactions. ^^;

@elixiadragmire Might be able to shine a bit more light on this! I've gone to a few cons as a fan not an artist, but I don't think they are any real requirements across the UK. Just individual requirements for that conventions in particular. As for ISBNs, they are not a requirement. However, if yo…

Welp, a lot of this seems to mostly be directed at Learning Curves, and while their is argument of freedom to create whatever we wish and 'why should it matter because the internet is full of this stuff'. It should be understood that good writing and entertainment can become quite personal whether w…

This is the route many webcomics take. Dare I say maybe even all. Plenty of comics have their printed editions kickstarted, or crowdfunded, or self-funded and release them through online stores or conventions. There are comics I personally prefer to read online, but I also have my fair share of com…

My only complaint with my favourite webcomics. Is that there isn't enough pages up! I don't read gag a days. I'm mostly in this for the Longform comics.

I wasnt fond of it. However. It could certainly be used interestingly. Personally I felt like I was reading a script, I think I prefer more visuals.

I'll PM you some direct links. smile

This sounds like an amazing opportunity, and I hope it goes well. Personally, as an artist and writer Ghibli, Saga and Remender and Greg Tocchini ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Low_(comics) ) are pretty big inspirations to me, for many reasons. I could talk about them for days! (My WIP project, no…

Agree with Riko here. c: I'm a Games Art Student, but I find this so interesting because I hadn't considered planning out the world this way.

I'm at a point where Im subscribed to more stories that I can keep track of. When I come across a story I've subscribed to but never got around to reading for whatever reason. I unsubscribed to keep my list more organised. Reasons I never got around to it? I didn't get hooked straight away. I lost …

I don't love spiders but I love that name. I believe I may have read spidersilk on inblazers? Either way, the spiders ilk look at it too is definitely interesting I didn't consider breaking it apart that way.

Im referring to the whole comic series. It's the episode details that aren't fully sorted.

IM GOING. As a vistor aha, Saturday and Sunday. smile Hope to see you guys around.

Title says it all really? Is there a meaning behind the name of your comic? What is it? Or did something completely random inspire you?

I agree with having the major plot points ordered and worked out. I guess it leaves space for you to breathe as you sort out the smaller beats that happen inbetween.

I see what you mean about writing blindly. I think in a case like that I see it working if you wrote the script chapter after chapter and then went back to edit all the disgraceful holes that you didn't see.

I have a fairly planned out script, but not all the individuals beats/kinks have been worked out. But I definitely know the arcs aha, I was interested to see how many people fully detail it out and how many do not. smile

You must be kidding me, noone will mind at all. Your art speaks for you more than enough. In terms of conventions, everyone has given more experienced comic-con advice. Always have some lower priced items on your table. More pricier books and prints is fine, but as a con go-er I know I don't always …

An open question to all those writers/creators out there with more story-driven/long form comics. How far ahead do you plan out/write your comic/script? Do you write out/thumbnail your pages chapter by chapter or do you (if you have a webcomic with a foreseeable end) work out the fine details of the…

[image] There's something strangely satisfying about group effort. How will the ad program work exactly, will creators be putting their own ads up? of simply getting a slice of revenue from the ads they see under their comics.

That's definitely Todd Allison and Petunia Violet Here you go. http://www.petuniaviolet.com

That's mental, and absolutely amazing for her. But those taxes are going to hurt.