32 / 48
May 2021

My favourite pokemon are the rock ground and steel type inanimate object and golem pokemon instead of the furry bait, does that make me the rock equivalent of a furry then?

listen buddy...
We don't judge what you get your rocks off to.

I'll see myself out.

No its not porn commissions. People will jump into your dms and post porn or constantly pester you and annoy you until you block them. Most furries are hyperactive and with low attention span so they will spam you to their heart's content on a regular basis. Get ready to block a ton of people...

That's really weird lol

Yeah, you have to watch for Nazi "whatevers" in any genre. The Nazi apologists at anime cons are definitely something else too. Hetalia brought a lot of them out.

I feel like furries were just kicked so hard for so long by the rest of the internet that the whatever restraint the fandom had as a baseline has been atrophying. Like, if you're going to hate me anyway, I might as be right out in the open about my list of weird kinks - which, hey kinkshaming isn't cool, but there's a bunch of vile shit at the edges people try to sneak in assuming "everything" goes.

Weird, yesterday I read an article during my research about the fandom that there's a higher percentage of autistic people in the fandom in comparison to the percentage in the general populace, maybe that's why? which would also explain why @indagold said they're hyperactive, and have a attention deficit, both signals of autism... dunno, thanks for the help @Kiweevil I really appreciate.

Yeah it sucks. Sometimes random things trigger it. I once posted big chungus and some fat rabbit memes so someone took that as an excuse to post fat furry shit in my dms. :frowning2: I literally stopped posting rabbit pics and changed my avatar cause I was so grossed out. I'm just letting you know this will happen and you will not be prepared for it.

I mean, there's nazi-furs...

I mean there are nazi-everything... Yes... Even nazi-jews.
And I'm only frightened by the fact that the world has devolved to a point where I can't tell if that's a joke or not.

The furry community really is very accepting, it's part of the reason why sexuality is so splicitily explored...
How free it is, is both the fandom's greatest power and most terrfying curse.

But yeah, there is always that one extreme asshole who is willing to go WAAAAAY to far, but that goes for EVERYTHING in life, not just the fandom.

furry community is not accepting at all lmfao Like holy hell they sent death threats to some popafur for wanting to go on h3h3. They actively chase people off social media who do something they don't approve of but actual creeps in their community they just kinda ignore if they got good art. Almost every server i'm on still simps for jasonafex :rolling_eyes:

Sorry that happened to you, people can be really insane. Really depends on the communities you hang out in, I still have quite a few chill furry friends.

woah I have been creating furry art for a long time now. I never encountered such things :open_mouth:
In my experience the furry community is one of the best! I have met great people there, often very open and friendly too!
I am not super active in the fandom, I just make furry artwork (for myself or for clients)

Late to the party here, but... if you want to be a furry just do it. There's no barrier to entry besides liking anthropomorphic animal characters more than the average person. How you choose to express that and how far you take it is up to you.

Step one to becoming a furry: decide to be one.

Step two: have fun with it.

That's pretty much all there is to it.

Sure there are some bad people out there in the fandom just like anywhere else. But overall I've found it to be a very positive and welcoming community with a big focus on creativity and self acceptance.

Interesting, if you don't mind me asking, how is business? Yesterday I read everywhere that furries commission a lot, specially nsfw art, is that true to you too? no need to answer if it's too personal, I'm asking because I'm interested in drawing furry art, including commissions, but I have no idea where to start :slight_smile:

generally if you like anthro characters draw yourself as an anthro your a furry you can just say you are and there you go no harm no foul welcome to the club and the cookies are baking

Thanks :smiley: I'll create my fursona haha, any tips? :smile:

experiment and look around for inspirations see what you like, you have pretty much total freedom

thanks, I'll use other fursonas as inspiration then.