116 / 142
Sep 2020

Oh? I'd love to read a werewolf book by you. Why do you think BL will come more naturally? Are you better at male mcs?

I like writing romances. I had problems with shifters, because I have no natural interest in werewolves.

My 2 dragon-shifter books tanked harder than any other books I’ve written, so I don’t trust myself. “Oh, a were-crow will work! Oh, a prehistoric setting would be awesome!”

Nope. It wouldn’t work, it is too out of the genre, stupid. Werewolves seems to be like a gothic romance, have to stick closely to the formula.

A what? Newer heard of that

And there are were-crows in some stories...if you go to Japan. Like Tengu or the three-feet crow(Yatagarasu)
I would love sth like that from you Domi @domisotto

When i was a kid, while playing with my cousins,for some reason i found a rock in my toy box.....

I thought this random rock in the toy box was hillarious so i used it as a rock, but every other character would treat it as a legendary hero.....

Many years later i remembered that funny anecdote and thought it could be a hillarious premise, so i made an inanimate rock a shonen Mary Sue protagonist.

And this, kids, is how i came up with Rocky the rock1

Toy Story 6. When a rock change everything

I think the issue is that when it comes to novels, the visual elements are not shown, so reader`s imagination fill the blanks.

You may have a really cool and sexy design in your mind for your dragonshifters, but conveying that is trickier. Werewolves and vampires have an established presence in pop culture and media, so the mental image on how they can be attractive is already there.

I am not saying that dragon shifters can`t be pretty, but on novels is way trickier to convey the visuals the way you expect.

edit:(just to clarify, i mean the humanoid form)

I don't think that's the problem. They weren't trying to convey the sexiness of dragons after all, that would be bestiality. And Domi is good at writing attractive males.

Mine came up from my personal experiences or what I saw or feel. I also wanted to work on my sense of humor, so there's that. I initially started mine as a means to experiment on panel composition. Nowadays, I became unexpectedly invested to it.

Mine has come up from an idea I had as a 13 year old, way back in the early 2000s.
Originally my main character was just a Sonic OC. Then the concept for the story changed as I aged, and finally in 2009 I had an idea for a Battle Shonen with a dinosaur mc of epic proportions.

Then the story continued to evolve for another 7 years until I finally, finally after many variants and failed starts I buckled down and decided to take the plunge into it. And in January 2017 I finally started and stuck with it and built up a buffer and released it in August 2017.

As for how I came up with it, it's just a mixture of my interest in dinosaurs, action cartoons, and heavy metal music.

It's great that you stuck with the same core for so long. :heart_01:

What can I say, I'm a stubborn dreamer XD I really just wanted to get to a point where my story becomes an animated series or even a movie.

Being stubborn is good, or else we would never get anything done :grin:

No, i have good visuals and all that. It’s a full dragon when he shifts and a human knight when he doesn’t, so the imagery is familiar. In the first book, he becomes a dragon as the ending. It’s just wasn’t what people wanted to read.

Definitely. That stubbornness has kept me going through a lot of difficult times, burnouts, and depressions. No matter what I always try to put pen on paper (or drawing tablet xD) even if I don't feel like it.