14 / 142
Sep 2020

Depression, growing up in the closet and wanting to live a childhood through my characters I was never allowed to live.

I'm actually on the spectrum and I tend to "daydream" a lot so most of my work is inspired by those. my current novel I'm working on here is a rewrite of my first novel. I came up with that one simply because I wanted to write about werewolves and wanted a healthier relationship than ones being protrayed in books and media at the time

That's fair. We need healthier relationships in general in our stories

needless to say the original failed at that. but I am nearly 15 years older now and much wiser about relationships in general

By standing on the shoulders of Giants.
Everything I have written and am writing is inspired by the great Fantasy and Science Fiction storytellers of the 1900s. :smiley:

I had made similar comics in the past, so I knew I wanted to make something like that again. A comic centering around kids with slice of life aspects to it. I love the crime genre, so I added some aspects of that into the comic as well.

The crime cases are usually inspired by maybe movies or TV shows.

This is quite a hard thing to answer because the story was made from many bits and pieces.

I had started writing a completely different story but didn't like where it was going. Then one day I got inspiration from a random daydream, scrapped the lot of it and started writing from scratch but keeping the main characters and mythology :sweat_smile: The genre (flintlock fantasy) is inspired by a bunch of historical fiction I read/watch but, y'know, fantasy.

It's a sub-genre of regular fantasy but with 1600s-1800s tech level rather than the usual medieval :grinning: It's still not very common but it is, in fact, my jam.

Mine was inspired by the daughter of a figure mired in a political scandal back when I tried to be aware of social issues for the sake of academic achievement. I'd wanted it before to have a lot of twists.

It's kind of, mellowed down though and the characters and themes are now of some questions and experiences I had. As of now,conflicts from grand political, inter-country stakes and backstories have narrowed down to conflicts stemming from family issues. Gotta bite what I can chew

I started writing Papillon because I randomly wanted to do a magical-girl story for NaNoWriMo, but figured the usual formula of "five girls save the world" wouldn't work well in written format. So I had an idea: setting a story after the magical girls have saved the world, with one of them wistfully longing for a magical life once more. Two years and change later, it's now the first in a planned series.

Clearly a worthwhile investment of passion and time.