2 / 142
Sep 2020

Hello, everyone. I'm Gokce/Wocalich and I wanted to know: how did you come up with your story?
I came up with mine(Psetha) after I had a dream about a king and a woman trying to kill him traveling together through whirlpools.
The story changed a lot from then but there's still a king and a whirlpool.
How about you? How did you come up with your story? How did it change over time?

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There are 141 replies with an estimated read time of 14 minutes.

This is interesting! I'm pretty sure my story started with a painting I made. I was just having fun, and I ended up painting a giant blue ballerina dwarfing a metropolitan city. She looked so sad, so I began wondering what would happen if, instead of a mindless monster like Godzilla, a sad or an angry giant person wrecked havoc on a city?

My idea eventually evolved into Vehementia, and I even adopted the giant ballerina as kind of a mascot. She also appears in one of the earlier chapters of my novel too.

Mine came from RP's that I did with a friend for over 14y, so the characters were established way back. And grew along the way, got more personality and depth to them.
Eventually I made the story with the bits and pieces I loved the most about the rp.

Oooh, that sounds fun. I'm subscribed to Vehementia, I should go back to it :yum:

Mine came to me when I was watching The Dragon Prince. I wasn't too big a fan of the plot at first and was thinking of ways it could have been done better. That made me want to write it. I also just wanted gay elves lmao.
It changed quite a bit from The Dragon Prince and ended up being a story about Gods and magic and overcoming the expectations of other people. I did keep the gay elves though.

I do not have memory about it because the prototype of the story has existed since 2009 when an elementary school students thought she can make the next Naruto. Over time, the story has been developed in a way that now it is no longer resembles the old one.

The earliest version is heavily inspired by Shōnen genres and its trope, along with some local and international mythology sprinkled around. It is basically a redemption arc of the main character Dark McAngst; a cold-blooded killing machine who gradually changed and softened up due to the power of friendship™️ that he decided to stop the war for the sake of the world his friends live in.

The current one, the stake is significantly lowered and I nerfed the characters' power by giving it a more realistic magic system. I fleshed up more the world-building and make it integral to the plot. The main character is no longer Dark McAngst and I give him more appropriate personality for the setting. The theme is also significantly changed; it is no longer a redemption arc, rather a descent into madness (although not that extreme).

My story actually started as an ultra-violent post apocalyptic family drama about parents experimenting on their kids to create superheroes. The idea just started snowballing in my head like most of my ideas do.

That idea has DRASTICALLY simmered down to a fun action story more in line with a saturday morning cartoon :sweat_smile:

Gay elves? Are all of them gay? If so, how do they reproduce? Sorry if this is a silly question lol

Thanks so much for previously subscribing and helping me get to 25 subs :slight_smile: and no rush at all! There is a new chapter coming out soon though ehehe

Depression, growing up in the closet and wanting to live a childhood through my characters I was never allowed to live.

I'm actually on the spectrum and I tend to "daydream" a lot so most of my work is inspired by those. my current novel I'm working on here is a rewrite of my first novel. I came up with that one simply because I wanted to write about werewolves and wanted a healthier relationship than ones being protrayed in books and media at the time

That's fair. We need healthier relationships in general in our stories

needless to say the original failed at that. but I am nearly 15 years older now and much wiser about relationships in general

By standing on the shoulders of Giants.
Everything I have written and am writing is inspired by the great Fantasy and Science Fiction storytellers of the 1900s. :smiley: