12 / 34
Jul 2024

When I realized animation was too time-intensive for me, but I still wanted to create stories with my cartoon characters. After years of making nothing, I just started doing it, forced myself to stay consistent, and haven't stopped since.

well, I always like writing stories and characters, i used to share my docs with some of my closest friends then one day they told me "You should put them online" but I was indecisive so they bribed me with a cheesecake if I uploaded for one month, I won the cheesecake and people like Tales of Valor so I keep up updating and now the first volume is about the be fully updated, I'm working on the second and have some other side projects.

The moral of the story, just hit upload especially if you get cheesecake from it.

Wise words.

[twenty characters]

Decided to go When I was 15 years old. Just a loser stuck in my corner when everyone else socialized. :laughing:

I was inspired by my two adopted children. Over the course of 2 or so years I told them the ongoing story of their adventures with their talking dogs. (got me out of getting them a real dog - for awhile) Most of it was complete nonsense. If you have to come up with with 20 minutes of original material every two days you will be making a lot of hack crap in short order. In any case, at some point I decided to bring the story to a conclusion AND that story seemed like it might be good. Hell I wanted to know what was going to happen next. One part of the story freaked my youngest out so bad that I had to skip a lot of the middle and get to the happy ending so everybody could get to bed but I was inspired to Write THAT story down. Which I did to the tune of of about 69,000 words.

Later on I decided to turn into a graphic as a Pandemic project to keep myself busy and away from the Pandemic day-time despair drinking.

This is genuinely the sweetest thing! Your art is so beautiful too! Reminds me of the stories my dad used to make up about me and my siblings. When they grow up, I’m 100% positive they’ll cherish the art and stories you make, I know I did.

It all began when I started creating characters in my imaginary world. These characters and their stories became so vivid and compelling that I thought, "Why not bring them into a novel?" That's how my journey into novel writing began.

I mostly write but for a new series, I felt it would be good as a comic. And after asking my friends to draw, I thought maybe I could draw. Considering my characters were also simple for a beginner like me, I gave a try

At first I wanted to be an illustrator, who also wrote books and illustrated them sometimes. I started wanting to make my own webcomic when I first discovered webcomics, somewhere during highschool or right before starting highschool? Back then I was reading Paranatural, Monsterkind, and some other hiveworks comics and I was really inspired!

I tried a bunch of times during highschool, but I clearly just didn't know how to create such a big project. It was while studying at uni that I finally managed to launch my own webcomic on Tapas. That was in 2019, and I'm not updating it currently. Now I'm more interested in making comics in Swedish and sharing more locally :slight_smile: But I wouldn't have gotten here if I hadn't first decided I wanted to make webcomics!

True story, kind of embarassing but also cute:

Summer of 1983, I was at 8 years old and my uncle and aunt´s place in Frankfurt/Germany.
My uncle had Asterix comics. I started reading the comics and fell in love with
the medium and the characters. I wanted to be Asterix, then this feeling transformed
into wanting to draw Asterix, then transformed into wanting to be a comic book artist.

I was always a strange kid and my parents supported me being strange. I was wearing
a bowler hat in school when I was at that age and I had a weird clothes style which made
me some kind of outsider anyway. I sucked at everything, I had bad grades in school
and was bad at sports. I was very creative and one of the reasons was that my parents
didn´t have much entertainment in the house but we had one acoustic guitar and always
large printer paper and pens. So my brother and me would draw comics all day to entertain
us. Then I started drawing in class instead of listening to what the teacher said.
Girls started to get interested because they liked that I was good at drawing.
That´s how I pretty much spend my life until I was 16 and left school with horrible grades
and no plan what to do :smiley:

I think it's because of my family. My dad liked to draw although he took a different path towards art. Let's say that his life had many ups and downs and although he loved to draw, he never had the opportunity to be an artist.

His sister was a painter, and she dedicated herself to painting portraits until she couldn't anymore due to illness, so I think some of their talents impacted me, although if I'm honest I'm taking it as therapy for myself and not as a profession. It makes me feel comfortable with what I do.

As for writing, although my mom is not a writer, she won two short story contests when she was young and loves to read. However, as in the case of my dad, she works on something different that is not related to writing a novel.

I actually used to do short comics/stories since a young age. I remember listening to amazing stories told/enacted by the teacher aid, in elementary school, which is where I learned to daydream and grow an imagination.
But my real "I wanna make comics" moment happened around 4 years ago, when the pandemic was still a thing. I was actually hanging out with my uncle and mom and they were talking about fryer chickens. Gave me the idea to do a short funnies comic based on a chicken who was a friar, but that story soon spun into more heavy dramatic stuff. It's technically not the first comic/story I've ever done, but it's definitely the first ever to be published online.
I had wanted to do comics since I was very little, just had a hard time actually doing the work cause I was alone in the process. Now that I'm older and have access to technology and resources I'd never thought I'd have, it's been a fun process.

This current comic is all by trial and error, and it's gotten me very interested in doing digital art overall. I'm very excited to see what other stories I can come up with down the line.

Because making an animated series on my own would be nigh impossible haha.

And the thing that made me think "I can definitely do this" was when I saw how popular the Netflix series She-Ra and the princesses of power was, and how mediocre I felt it was in both writing and technical execution.

I really felt like "well I can do that!" And pretty much started doing just that.

Thanks for saying that. Especially about the art. I worry about it sometimes. I came up with the particular because it was something I felt I could keep up over the length of the project (maybe 300 "Pages") But I do fret about it lacking details sometime.

One of the funny moments when I was telling the boys the story was I describing them returning home after being away for two years panning for gold in Alaska before winning the Iditarod. The oldest stopped me and asked how the house had changed in two years. I said "not much, but we got a different rug in the living room." to which he replies "I don't think you'd change that rug." Evidently his sense of disbief was suspended until I starting messing with the rug.

Did the pandemic & the isolation through the pandemic motivate you do start doing the comic?

Oh my gosh that’s great lol. and don’t worry about the art at all! I genuinely adore the style, and it’s clear even just from a glance that you have serious talent and dedication to what you do!

Well, I guess it's always sorta been my dream. When I was around 5 I really wanted to write a book, then I wanted to make video games, but I realized that was too hard, then I started reading the manga One Piece, which made me love books again. That was sorta my inspiration, and I started thinking up my OC's around that time, and now, 5 years later, after I had a well established world and characters, I thought, screw it, I'm gonna start writing. I had a few other stories I wanted to write, but this was the one I always came back to, no matter what.

I started making my own comic at about 8? I've always been an artsy child; one of my earliest memories was showing my parents my drawings. I've written down stories after that but I lost my diaries so I forgot about them and I've always had problems with my work ethic (so easily distracted by my own fantasies lol) so most of them are unfinished. I've also written and completed fanfics in AO3 before I started on my ongoing works here. Due to present circumstances, I sadly can't finish my comic so I'm currently working on an easier to complete work:

Yes. I absolutely needed something to do. Although there were a couple things that primed me.

When I was prepping the manuscript to take to agents I went to a scbwi convention and attended a graphic novel break out session hosted by Drew Brockington (Catronauts). I showed him some of the illustrations from the manuscript (the color chapter title illustrations predate the graphic novel treatment) and he received them well. We even exchanged some correspondence about the old school four color printing process for bronze age comic books that I was emulating for the illustrations. The big take away for me was when he talked about submitting graphic novels to publishers, Standard practice at the time was a 10 page sample. I thought "10 page sample?! Not a whole freakin' manuscript?! That's easy!" So I may have done one of those before I just said f*ck it, and starting adapting the whole book start to finish.