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Feb 15

Hello, I'm Amelea and I have a web novel called Club Dusk.
I am currently at 2 subscribers which is amazing but I wondered if you had any advice on how to get 25? I do some promotion on social media (instagram, threads and tiktok) but find it difficult.
Any advice would be helpful!

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You can seek sub 4 sub on the forum. But this is ultimately just a means to help you unlock advertising revenue sharing and sponsorship features.

To gain popularity and income, you still need to rely on the quality of your work and community management.

You can also try to get featured by the platform, which helps with popularity too.

BTW, can you give me a link to your series?:grinning:

Ah! That's awesome advice and thank you for the link too. I had heard about the sub for sub but wasn't too sure if I wanted to go down that route yet!

It is a novel, but I do my own drawings for the chapter images!

If you have any feedback or advice I would love to hear it :slight_smile:

I love you art! I tried to make Club Dusk a graphic novel, but I just didn't have the patience! My story was developing faster than I could draw it lol :smiley:

If detailed illustrations are too time-consuming, maybe you could do a simple pencil sketch for each chapter?
Or one sketch for every two chapters.

Yeah I am good with sketching but colouring and lighting is very time consuming!

This is a small example of of my work.

Perhaps when I finish the full novel, I can then pursue a graphic novel of it! That is the dream! :smiley:

It took me about 3 months to break 25 subscribers. I wasn't active in the forums (I should have been, though!) but I posted to various socials and kept my comic consistent and as high-quality as I could. I didn't get a community feature, either, but oh well.

Granted, that was with a comic rather than a novel, it seems novelists have it harder than comics.

Sub4sub can be helpful, I've found friends on the forums and other authors are more consistent viewers, likers, and commenters (lots of the general public viewing my comic I think don't have Tapas accounts). I keep up with all the comics I'm subbed to, even if I really can't keep up with the webnovels.

I'll sub4sub with you, if you're interested:

Awww thanks! Sub4Sub sounds great! Your art is amazing! Is that alcohol markers you are using? Absolutely stunning!

Yes, I knew it was a risk posting novels on Tapas, but i had been following comics on here and just loving the community style. Hopefully I will get that some day!

forums and consistent updates. whether it be advertising yourself or sub4sub

My primary tip for gaining subscribers is patience. Most of us aren't going to get tons of subs overnight; just keep putting your work out there and people will trickle in.

10 days later

Heya! I'd follow what the others are saying here. All great advice.

However, I do have a tip if you are also going to be posting your comic on another Tapas-like platform such as Webtoons or something...

Don't post your comic right away. Go to their forums, chat with people, ask questions, make friends, talk up your comic in advance. People will ask for a release date, and it's usually good to do it months in advance if you can. Then, on release date, you'll have loads of people flooding to it.

I received this advice a while back, and it helped me tremendously to get off the ground super quickly when I first released my comic on Tapas! You gotta hype things up, subtly and with grace but also showing how into your work you are. xD it's a balance, and it's definitely something to do when you are on another comic hosting platform.

You'll get there on Tapas, though! Especially if you follow good advices on here. @wolflu66 basically gave you your best way of gaining subs now that your comic is already out on Tapas.