44 / 113
Jul 2020

I don't spend time on webtoons often. I only read two comics there because that's where certain creators (whom I've followed for a long time) decided to put up their comics. So I just follow them there to get updates. However as a community, I like Tapas better. I like the forums (I hope it never goes away). And the comments section in Webtoons tends to have more immature people than Tapas from what I noticed.

One thing I like about Webtoons though, is its fast loading time on the app. Tapas crashes a lot in comparison. But I usually read on desktop anyway. I wish the app was less glitchy though.

I dont know much about webtoons tbh, but I dont read many comics there, an when I recently looked up both tapas and webtoons to publish my own comic I couldnt even use webtoons (unless i missunderstood something) because I cba to redraw my comic in the vertical thingie you must use for their site?

And as a reader I really do not like the vertical comics at all (and i dont read comics on mobile, only pc/desktop) I get that the vertical comics are for mobile readers but boy do I really stop reading alot of comics due to the vertical idea, because so many times i just scroll and scroll and its just white and wow there is one panel and then you scroll and scroll and wow another panel!

And Ive come to like it here on tapas, easy to upload and the forum is a big plus :slight_smile:

you don't need to use the vertical format for webtoons, my comic is page by page and it's doing ok there. I think readers prefer it but it's not a necessity

That is what I’m all about.
I wrote to customer service about it.
They replied with a thank you and my input is important and they love to be in contact with the creators.

Then I replied that THIS IS WHAT IM TALKING ABOUT. My reader's input is important to me and I love to be in contact with them.

Then they ghosted me and I left them alone

going to be honest it just astounds me how many basic website features webtoons lacks sometimes. Like it's essentially an art site but didn't add png support until this year. And you can't even click on links in creators notes and such.

I think webtoons just doesn't have real competition (I know tapas technically is but it isn't nearly as big as webtoons) so they can just ignore problems with their site.

I think if tapas had the same amount of readers webtoons has a lot of creators may not even bother with webtoons because of it's lack of creator options

edit, this isn't to say tapas is without flaws because this site also has some issues (hard to tell what's premium or not, both sites have issues with smaller creators having difficulties getting their work seen without a front page feature, ect) but webtoons is the bigger site with more money so it's just weird to me they can't fix simple issues I guess

Honestly, I do enjoy going on those 2 usually for a stress reliever or boredom. But I do wish both platforms allowed smaller new comics shine a bit more because sometimes a little company help will come a long way.

Really :open_mouth: Then i must have misunderstood something because I thought I gave it up when checking format and webtoons required a format that seemed to fit vertical more, but I guess I read it wrong then :stuck_out_tongue:

11 days later

I'm a reader and I am starting to use tapas because the webtoon website , when it comes to my favourite creators and webtoons , tends to be very different on pc than on mobile. It's hard for me to concentrate in the vertical/mobile suited format the webtoons are in. I don't really have a phone rn so I find the pc version of tapas tends to be a bit more convenient in making reading comfortable. Also, I found small comics more frequently here than on webtoon.

The only thing I find annoying is trying to distinguish the paid stuff from the free stuff at first glance. I am considering asking my parents for the funds to give inks to comics I like and really want to progress but I feel down when I see a good comic that like 100 episodes but only 7 are free ( luckily it's the minority).

I love and hate both Tapas and Webtoon~ they both monetize well for the creators~ What I like to tapas is their support ink~ though what I hate tapas is that it's not healthy for new creators, For me (just an opinion), no spotlight for low subs comics~ I like webtoon because of the patreon program and ads~ and They welcome and give opportunity for newcomics~ (again, just my opinion). what I hate Webtoon is they're too strict to be able to monetize to their site~

The database isnt the problem there, it's the browser that can't handle that. Programmers can work around that, but if your programmers are lazy well...then it's not gonna happen haha

this helps, but they still have a point though. casual readers will think all comics are like the premium comics when staff mixes them together the way they do. I thought the same when I first started using tapas. Webtoons does a better job of showing what's featured or not than tapas

Personally I feel like webtoons is better for getting views and subscribers due to traffic. However tapas has a better social community, you're able to share ideas and communicate with readers/creators through forums. Also the reading format on tapas is way better than webtoons. It's more organize and clean, you don't have to click on arrows instead you scroll down. The fullscreen option on tapas is also extremely convenient. Overall I recommend using both, the more platforms you're on the better you'll be promotion wise.

I just had to edit 4 of my posts on Webtoon even though I only showed partial nudity and sexual gestures.
I love Tapas way more and have gotten more subscribers with my fantasy vampire BL comic here.

Webtoon is missing a notification system, as stated already. And I'd like it if it had a way to schedule your upload like tapas

I know this has been said, but I'll say it again I wish there was more incentive for webtoon or tapas readers to look at the new section or just discover more comics. The closest thing webtoons got to that was canvas week because they were giving out free coins.

I know not every single comic ever can be put on the front page of these sites for growth, but it sucks that's one of the /only/ ways to get growth on these sites. Not every single comic can meet tapas or webtoons' staff's standards for being featured, obviously, but that doesn't mean there isn't an audience for said comics. If that makes sense

That's not about it though. No one is ever looking in Fresh, that's all =)