6 / 22
May 2024

As I only have a lot written for Kattar and Alicia (Damsel in the Red Dress) rn, I'll write for them.

Toward the beginning of the story they tended to both get silently angry, but not address their issues. This came to a head about three times. Once in "Tangerine Acedia" once in "White Hole" and for the last time in "Black Bile" from that point they have finally been growing up and learning to talk about their issues, though it's a slow process. It usually doesn't happen immediately on Alicia's part, as she has a tendency to just brood until her conscience gets to her, because Kattar rarely complains. His upbringing has taught him not to mention it when someone hurts him and to just move on, but on Alicia's part, her anti-damsel has meant volubly (sometimes angrily) expressing when she's upset, or he's hurt her feelings, and Kattar usually apologizes fairly immediately. But not everything is cut and dry. Sometimes there are situations where both of them are justifiably upset, and then addressing their issues becomes a little more complicated. Still they've (fortunately) grown to the point where they WANT to address the issues, and that's half the battle.

My leads in "Hushabye Prince" are not so good at that atm. Almost any of them tbh.


And those words surprise me more than if he’d decided to throw a fit in the middle of the restaurant and go home.

“I hadn’t even realized I was upsetting you…” he smiles awkwardly, still not meeting my gaze as he pushes a stray strand of hair back into place behind one ruby-tinted ear.

“W…yeah,” I stammer disconcertedly, “I mean, we are on a date. I’d like a little attention from my…”

My what?

“My bad,” he smiles a little embarrassedly, meeting my gaze now with a rosier glow than I think I’ve ever seen on him, “I…just…”

“It’s my first time being out in public since the accident.”



I’m such a jerk.

How did I not realize…?

He looks up at me now, and that fragile flush burns beneath the ebony veil pouring over his face and shoulders. There’s something in his eyes that begs, even as he says softly “You used to bellyache about the way everybody always told me I was so pretty - I was so handsome…but you’d never…”

There’s a brief silence as his color becomes agitated and embarrassed. He looks at the floor.

“...Never told me you thought so, before today.”

Curse my own brain-I-

Clapping my hands over my mouth it dawns on me for the first time exactly what I said during my insanity tantrum.

My brain tries to think of some excuse to make - but that was two hours ago - and even if I could take it back…

Kattar smiles up at me with such transparent, unaffected ecstasy that I can’t…

“I’ve gotta start making you mad more often...” he smiles shyly.

“Please no…” I moan, shaking my head as my face turns a mortified shade of cinnamon and blood. “I'll…”

Do better.

It’s only fair.

  • created

    Mar '24
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    Sep '24
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16 days later

How long is it acceptable in your opinion to keep the "I misheard something you said/we keep getting interrupted before we can explain/have a proper conversation" misunderstanding trope?

same lol, i've not used it for anything as long as I can remember, the closest being that in "Hushabye Prince." the ml has a schedule that gets in the way of communication, and he almost never deviates

25 days later

In "Lyra's Magnum Opus", Sana and Tetsu don't have a lot of conflict in the traditional sense. The only real conflict is when Tetsu is worrying about Sana feeling ill. One major conflict comes when Tetsu knows he was the direct cause of Sana having the worst asthma attack he's ever had. They were vacationing in Okinawa with Sana's band, Lyra. They were waiting outside of an antiques store, trying to figure out where the other band members were. Tetsu was on the phone with his mentor, Keitaro, who was with the band as a mentor. This phone call went on for a long time as they were outside under an awning. The humidity was over 90% in the summer sun, and it was raining. This triggered a slow burn asthma attack in Sana, which he didn't realize until they'd all gotten to their destination which was a bowling alley. They were enjoying themselves, and suddenly Sana looked like he fell asleep. Silently, Sana got into such physical trouble. At the hospital, Tetsu panics, realizing that it must have started as they waited outside. He blames himself, and Sana's friends try to assure him that it'll be alright. Tetsu wails, "but, I'm responsible!" Double meaning that he's responsible for Sana and responsible for Sana's problem that day. The band had just learned on that trip how little Sana can now do for himself as his degenerative condition worsens. They're all still in shock, and so they're devastated that this could happen and Tetsu feels like he's to blame. They try to assure him that he's doing the best he can, and he should be celebrated, not blamed. After Sana recovers, he holds Tetsu tightly in bed. Still weak, but loving him. Trying to show how much he loves and appreciates him, rather than words which he can't say at the moment. Tetsu had been warned previously by Sana's best friend and drummer, Yami, that Sana is highly sensitive to humidity and heat, so Tetsu blames himself.

My couple definitely have some conflict caused by Kattar's health issues, but they also deal with a lot of personality and behavioral clashes. The interesting thing about these when I write the couple is that I know they wouldn't clash so hard on them if they didn't WANT to be able to be together. It would be easy enough for them to qualms they have with people they don't care about, but the things that keep them apart are a cause for frustration that they want to work through so they can stop having these different forms of distance between them. Every time a clash is resolved it brings them closer, but it's the mindset behind them that makes the difference. It's not in either of their minds that the things they go through with each other could be "deal breakers" so it becomes a clash against the things that separate them, rather than against each other.

20 days later

Dealing with conflict is going to be pretty hard for Essence and Dominic of "A Dozen Morning Glories" because Essence doesn't really deal with issues, she just tolerates the things she dislikes because she doesn't like anything. What is one thing versus another in her mind? In the midst of that she tries her best to make herself 'tolerable' to other people. This obviously is not the boxed mix for a healthy relationship, no matter how much the male lead legitimately cares, so this is going to make things and uphill battle.

this is always the best way to do it lol. Though some forms of conflict even once talked about can't be solved by a conversation, which is my ML and FLs current struggle.

True, I just like the "characters sit and and drop the bullshit to actually talk about what's bothering them in an honest and vulnarable way, working through their issues together" trope haha

Same, I have it several times in my novel. Maybe all my stories actually, even my comedy series has a moment where the female lead has to just stop ranting and talk out her stress with her husband. maybe i'm pigeonholed.

Chapters 18 and 19 Dissonance goes over the topic of conflict

I generally go for not understanding the point of view of the other, I rather that than I mishear something or get information from a rumor for conflict with couples, in the chapter the main point of dicord is a piano and why won't one character just play it.

28 days later
20 days later

Since "Sketchy Business" is a comedy, I'm finally writing my first couple where most of their conflict is just them annoying each other and not that serious in the long run. Good thing too, because I know one of my friends is getting stressed out by all the tension between my main novel's couple Kattar and Alicia lol.

Looking at you @HostileFren lol

At least now I'll have a more lighthearted comedy to balance out their tension lol. I still love them anyway, evne if I just want to make them talk it out

talking is hard! feelings are hard! my editor loves whenever they get a chance to actually talk things out too lol. some talking it out is coming, it's the hard moments that lead up to it, almost always

20 days later

Therese and Verner's biggest conflict is about the fact that the water doesn't work well in their house, but they never get beyond mildly irritated. they've dealt with way too much other stuff to be arguing with each other, they are each other's support.

David is in his first relationship, he is very insecure, jealous and naive.
It´s the first conflict in his new relationship and he makes the biggest mistake
you can make and he doesn´t talk to his partner and instead asks a male
coworker for advice