6 / 29
Oct 2020

Hi! Same here, it takes me 3-4 days to fully prepare my manuscript, if in one day I put around 2 hours.

In tapas, authors usually update two-three times a week. Some do it once a week and some once a month. Sticking to a schedule, I believe, is more important than fast updates (though that's also a bonus!).

Heya! I personally update once a month! I find it easy to do even though I am writing a novel series because I've fleshed out my world-building, character development, and story arcs ahead of time. I also have my art and music for it prepared ahead of time as well. That and I may or may not think about my story 24/7. xxD (Hey, the obsessiveness is good lol! I'm also obsessed with ancient Egypt which is driving me to get a PHD in Egyptology so yaaay)

It usually takes two weeks for me to finish a page for Aegis. These pages are fully colored, shaded, and rendered, so it takes a lot to get them done. It used to take one week, but I got to go to work and classes, work on other art projects, and write the story for the series.

Man, I wish I had more hours in the day.

I don't really count panels, I count more so pages. It takes me a couple of days to a week to get more than one page done since they are all in color.

Last month I made like 10 pages/week plus edited my comic into a webtoon format at the same time, but now I can thankfully take it easier. Now I try to make 5 pages per week (and upload 5 pages every 9-10 days, so I can create some buffer as well at the same time) for my re-drawn version and 1-2 pages per week for the current chapter of my comic, and sketch some future pages as well. Still waiting when the burnout is gonna catch me though lmao ^^'

I update once a week. My chapters are between 1.2-4k depending on the content.

I write between 4-5k every week, so I have an extra buffer that is gradually increasing.

I also send over 1 chapter every week to my editor.

And once it's sent back to me, I review it and then send it for some final editing and then it's ready to be uploaded.

I usually have a buffer of 4 edited chapters, 7 chapters on Patreon and 10 extra overall. The last one is increasing slowly and the most recent chapters are all hitting the 4k mark.

Although I create four panel comic strips, I usually update once a week. I just started creating comics about a month and a half ago, so I'm still getting used to creating on here and on Webtoons. Plus, I'm busy doing other things.

However, I usually like to stay three weeks ahead in case life happens.

I update every two weeks, however I used to update each week. I had this schedule change because I am now doing other work outside of Tapas, so I have to spend more time doing my other activities. However, I can probably finish my work in a couple days if I wanted to.

I have a wild host of health problems (mostly undiagnosed... though hopefully stemming from malnutrition from a recently-diagnosed celiac disease??? Please??? I'd like to be healthy again...) which make me a very slow worker. I WISH I could update every other week for my comic (I think right now it's taking me 15 hours per page, but my workflow is inefficient... I'm confident as I work on it more, I'll find ways to cut down the time). I cannot draw on days I have my money-paying job because my body is shot by the end of it, so I have to do it on my days off, and it's usually about 3-4 hours of work that I can do per day (unless I'm in pain, in which case, I get no work done at all). I USED to only be able to do one hour of drawing a day before I lost all strength and responsiveness in my arm (nerve problems), thankfully that's gotten a little better. In theory I do have time to bang out a page every two weeks, but between the drawing, visual studies/development (I had nothing prepared in advance...), I'd only have time to work on my comic so I'm p sure I'd burn out. I want to be able to draw other stuff too and not feel guilty about the comic.

So for now I'm looking to update 18 pages a year (which works out to 1 or 2 times a month) and I'm trying to be ok with it. It's not a super long project, I'm estimating about 130~ pages for the 13 chapters to complete it, but it's still gonna take a long-ass time at this rate D: If I could just streamline the workflow a bit more/recover more of my health and get to 2 pages a month, I would be so happy...

I am a novel writer, I try to have at least 75% of the novel pre-written before posting, so I update 6x a week, excluding Sundays. With short episodes, it is not so bad, 6 to 8K a week.

With what you're going through, I think that it's completely fine that you can only update monthly. Try not to stress about updating often because it will indeed burn you out. In my opinion, updating once or twice a month is fantastic in itself because your story is getting out there. :slight_smile:

I have a fair few chapters already written, so I'm currently updating The Silent Swansong once a day. I'm going to keep doing this for two weeks, then switch to three times a week. I feel this should keep me in the "Fresh" list frequently enough to catch the eye of any reader who is after a romance with a twist...

Once a week.
I think about ideas and conceptualize pages / draft in daytime. I try to free around 1~2h early morning to draw. One episode of Effy generally takes 1 to 3 sessions of drawing (black and white / ink). So that rhythm means that I produce more than I post; but since I like to experiment, not all episodes pass the cut, and I won’t post all. Overall, I have little to no buffer.

Varies depending on book and workload.

For example, sometimes I write a book without buffer (His Obsession is an example of this) where I at times add buffers which I plan to do. Other books I write completely offline into Wattpad drafts before I start publishing anywhere. When that happens, I can update up to thrice a week if the book is considered particularly long and it fits the platform.

Though, I would advise updating at least once a week when you're starting up somewhere new with your work.

I do updates of generally 2 (and very rarely 3) pages, once per week. When I first started, I was able to update twice a week, and then I dropped down to a kinda weird three updates every two weeks schedule, but eventually I decided to stay at once a week just so I could use the extra time to really polish my pages so I'd be happier with them. I also tend to take breaks between chapters to give myself some extra work time. Depending on the content of the pages, I can go from easily finishing them in 4-5 days to needing more than a week to finish off the more complex ones.

Not fast at all. My production has declined for now due to physical ailments, so I work on things when I can until my body heals.

As my free time is minimal.
Sketching/layout Mon-Thurs on portable tablet.
Cleanup/writing on Friday on desktop.
Final checks Saturday. Post on Sunday.

Been doing 2-3 strips per week so have a back catalogue (my life requires me to have a spare time window in case anything comes up)
But will stick to a strict one update every Sunday.

I try to update every few days or so but usually end up updating once a month.