41 / 42
Oct 2024

Trolling is just plain unhelpful or meant to irritate others; if I see that kind of stuff, I'm typically quick to block it because it's just someone attention seeking or trying to drag you down for no reason. It's less than deserving of attention most of the time, and I wish people would grow up in that regard.

Genuine criticism, though, I almost go out of my way to find and encourage from my readers; the best way to grow is to have all your plot holes, inconsistencies, and boring scenes pointed out for you, since you probably aren't viewing your story in the same way that the reader is.

Wait, you mean you didn't like the part where the main character drones on about an irrelevant topic that only they and the author are interested in? Even though it builds more to their character, despite having nothing to do with the ongoing conflict? Or their weapon is supposed to have XYZ powers, but it suddenly can do ABC as well when it's most convenient, even though I thought I dropped hints to it along the way? And I could have sworn that this side character always talked in this fashion/dialect, did I forget how they pronounce certain words?

Having other people edit/review for you is paramount to improving your story, and I wish at times I got more of it like I did back in my university writing workshop courses. I've currently only got one friend reading "The Herald of Death" to provide feedback, but even that has helped me phenomenally.