30 / 31
Sep 2024

Not in the series posted here, but another. So, the setting is sci-fi, got some robots with weird characteristics and I never, ever used the word cyborg to describe them even though that's what they basically are.

I wish I had more moments with Iris's bestie, Ramona. She's one of Iris's two human friends from college, and she doesn't get much time to shine in the first book.

Ahh, Andrew only got two mentions in the first book, but he's getting a lot more air time in future

I think it's planning on ahead what would happen, or what would you expect to happen in that chapter. Like a summary of what you wanted to happen. Because on my first draft I just went with the flow and just go with whatever the character "would do".

yeah, i usually plot out each individual chapter, even if it deviates somewhat

14 days later

I still have yet to decide on the first kiss for "A Dozen Morning Glories" lol.

I'm not sure where or IF it goes, and I've planned like literally everything else - but WHERE DOES THE KISS GO? DOES IT GO AT ALL? SHOULD THEY HAVE A FIRST KISS AT ALL? THEY HAVE TO RIGHT? YOU CAN'T WRITE A ROMANCE WITHOUT ONE RIGHT? .


Thank you this has been my TED talk.

That's definitely important. Sometimes adding details on the fly cam be fun, but we definitely always need a basis

25 days later

It would have been really nice to have planned out the endings of each chapters, like, the lines that they'll end on so I don't get stuck in the cycle of hook-line writer's block, where the chapters kind of end on a low point no matter how many better places in the chapter there might have been for it to end. it's something to keep working on to make sure my story has proper escalation. I still like quite a lot of the hook lines I've written for both "A Dozen Morning Glories" and "Damsel in the Red Dress" though.

The one for the end of next week's chapter of "A Dozen Morning Glories":

I’m still the one who will always be of no concern because I have no feelings to hurt.

This is just my reality. Horrible day or things going well.

This is as bad as it gets. This is as good as it gets.

the hook line ending of next week's chapter of "Damsel in the Red Dress":

And with every trickle of flaming red that runs into the white, I remind myself that I have a very weak stomach.

And I can’t stand the sight of blood.

15 days later

For most of my stories I think it would have been nice if I had planned anything in general lol. When I first started writing my main story, it was just a vague idea in my head and has since evolved into something quite a bit longer than I'd originally planned (we're now on Part 3 of what was supposed to be all in one part). I also think that taking the time to plan dedicated writing time especially alongside my studying would've been beneficial because I've managed to burn through every single buffer I'd created. I'm working on planning things out a bit better now, but it was definitely a struggle in the beginning XD

yeah, buffers have been really helpful for me, but it's hard when you're not sure where you're going with the story

27 days later

Believe it or not, the villain(s). :sweat_02: I had a rough idea on who the big bad was going to be, and the antagonists met along the way, but nothing fixed-firm. The evils that Khazmine and her little brothers run into are largely conjured from imagination exactly when I needed them to show up.

aye, I sometimes add minor threats/hints to threats along the way, but rarely the really big ones

I hear that. Tapas announced the Action Fantasy Tourney, and all I had was a stack of notes on what happened to Khazmine's little brothers, a few major plot points, and a two-chapter side story for Apparent Secrets committed to paper. The rest is like, "whatever, let's GOOOOO!" :rofl:

Yep, that's basically how it's going with Crystal Blue lol. I planned out the whole first arc, but there are still some gaps i have to fill in as I go

20 days later

I planned Many thing. At first my story was based on an Indian girl, but then I thought, Why not some other country characters, and why not boys love? I already planned everything. I never wanted my main character's father to be one of the villains, but he eventually became. I planned to make my main character's life happy and sweet after marriage, but it looks like it might take some more time. I planned to create a little college drama where Milo hides his marriage with Kiet from his friends and ex-boyfriend, but it didn't work out.

It looks like I planned many things before, but nothing worked. Lol. There, life is turning more dark and dangerous.

20 days later

Here's a thought, does anyone feel like planning less, and having more gaps in your story ideas actually helps you write BETTER stories because you can come up with new ideas as you go rather than feeling confined to what you already had planned?

I think it works like this sometimes with me in almost every one of my stories. Even when I already had plans, they often diverge when I get new ideas, and so sometimes things I HAD planned don't even end up getting used.

It's happening a lot in "Crystal Blue," tbh, the last few chapters have all been me diverging from what i planned