For Apparent Secrets, each of the roommates has their own struggles:
- Iris: Surviving on her own after her mother died. She has chronic health problems, which make survival almost impossible for her at times.
- Zayzann: Mastering his abilities in order to survive on Earth was singularly difficult for him.
- Byxx: War. Really, everything about it. He has little choice, as the Invaders threaten to capture the Forgotten Wastes from all sides. He's had to do dreadful things to keep them at bay, enough so that it haunts him.
- Khazmine: Going through the Conversion was probably the hardest thing she's ever done. It was for a noble cause, but she was basically taken apart and reassembled with inorganic components. She'd say it was... unpleasant.
I've tried to keep their struggles spoiler-free, but you'll definitely get all the details in the main and side stories.
A lot of my characters hadn't reached that point in their stories yet, but I think Friar
takes the trophy atm.
I'd love to answer this question multiple times later down the line, cause the challenges for them will gradually build up and things will get tough.
edit: my spoiler link isnt showing. kinda forgot how to code that, lol
edit2: well, this is what ya get, lol!
There's a lot of very hard things that Tetsu has had to do in "Lyra's Magnum Opus". He's had to accept Sana's limitations as they develop. He's very open to these changes and never judges, but they can be emotionally hard. For example, one of the hardest things was when Sana wet their bed, because he physically couldn't get up to go to the bathroom. Tetsu woke up from it, and his first instinct was to comfort Sana, who was of course very emotionally distraught and embarrassed. They'd been sleeping in a room with Tetsu's parents, so his parents quickly found out what happened. He only wanted to protect Sana's emotions and dignity, so he carried Sana out of the room to get him cleaned up. He later broke down about it, because he was so worried about Sana's emotional well-being, but also what it meant about Sana's developing terminal illness. Tetsu's family was very supportive and never spoke of it, cleaning it up for them and making it seem like it never happened. But, it's just one thing in many things. Tetsu bathed Sana after that, trying to smile for him and saying he's peed the bed as an adult also and that it was nothing to be ashamed of. But, Sana emotionally was dead to the world, so it was incredibly hard for Tetsu to see him that way. It was a break in Sana's usually innocent and pleasant demeanor, a window into a darkness that Sana possesses about his illness that Tetsu had never seen and that Sana tries to hide from Tetsu all the time to protect him.
Yeah that definitely sounds like it would be hard for anybody to deal with, both the embarrassment and feeling like a burden to the ones around you. But it sounds like Tetsu is doing a good job at caring for Sana.
I have two characters with paralysis in separate stories, and they both struggle with feeling like they are just burdens to the people around them. Kattar can, fortunately for him, go to the bathroom on his own, but he can't bathe on his own, and I have another character named Nellie (Daniella) (from a yet to be made comic) who can't use the restroom on her own and has to wear an 'adult diaper' at all times. No matter how much her bff and caregiver tries to tell her she's beautiful, and help her to smile through her struggle she hates herself and her body, and often wishes she would die just to relieve her friend of the stress.
Rn, the hardest thing they've done is less of a choice and more of a side effect.
Leia endured about 2 years without privacy because her parents took the door off her bedroom, kept keys to the bathroom so she could only use it when she went to them for permission. She wasn't allowed on her phone or her computer without them monitoring her search history and reading her texts. It was hell, but she survived it. Riley had to watch that unable to do anything to help, knowing it was his fault.
(this is free for everyone to read on my Patreon:
The hardest thing Kattar has ever done is probably discuss his feelings with Alicia. He's been hiding them for 15 years, and now that he feels like he's less "worthy" than ever of anyone's time and affection, confessing was almost literally physically painful. But also the beginning of something better.
The hardest thing Dominic has ever done was probably promising his little sister that he would support her through college so she didn't have to keep living with her parents. It's daunting and scary to be in charge of the life of someone he loves, but he is doing his best, and so far has been able to keep his promise