12 / 29
Feb 2022

Lydia in my early pages is horrible to look at (from 2016)

And this is from more recent pages

Azzy has certainly changed a bit, here he is in the early pages (drawn 2016)

and more recent

i haven't redisigned many ocs, mainly coz i keep losing track of older files or files where i'd actually started the redesign process only to abandon it halfway through, BUT one that i'm quite fond of was that of my werewolf and harpy couple, sofie and ava

the first solidified instance of the two which was circa 2019 (feels older tbh)

then there was another from 2019 where i was still kinda tweaking stuff

and then the :sparkles: redesign :sparkles: which this one was done in 2021 and been running w it since

ava's is def the most drastic i think of most of my oc redesigns but i'm way happier with the new look than the old. there's also the benefit of a good chunk of characters not really having had their designs set in stone save for a very small lil handful so their pretty fluid/flexible in my head

Oh boy, the evolution of Rekki has been a very long one...

The very first ever drawing of Rekki and Subo when they were side characters in a different comic idea I never made:

(I think this is from about... 2001?)

Then 2004-2019 we have various versions from a comic called FanDanGo or Fan Dan Go and finally the old Errant thumbnail with a more modern drawing style but the old colours:

And then current Rekki:

I actually forgot how long ago the first official designs for the "Stories from the Golden Garden" Characters were made, but for sure, the Changes were quite DRASTIC over time from the initial ones to the final version currently used.

Here is an example with the Main Protagonists:

Next, we have the two Main Antagonists:

And in the end, the oddest of the cases, caused as I was writing a parallel series, with the same character being Trans, although, I ended up making the female version official because I grew fond of it, while the original... well... Still undecided to put the transition thing in Her backstory:

There are hundreds of cases for all the others character, except the one born during the final version drafting, but still, It would take a while to put all of them here.

My characters look wayyy different now from when they were initially designed back in 2018-2019. Here are some side-by-side comparisons of their initial designs vs. their rework ones! Ah, fond memories, back when I had no idea how to draw :cry_swag: (I still don't honestly)



Honk: (Hanako)



Commander Kitsune:


Here's a group shot I found too lol (the second character from the left was unused, but I think she might've been a very early draft of Satsuna)

I have no actually old drawings of my oc to show, but last year I did a redesign of him for a challenge: on the right, how he looked like when I created him, compared to how he looks like in the webcomic (on the left).
Basically short hair vs long, sash vs eyepatch, and tattoos on arms vs tattoos on hands. The shady smile remained the same.

You're right,your trait got way more confident in 2020! I like all of your drawings, tbh :heart_eyes:

Oh wow, I didn't realize Rekki was such an old OC of yours. That's got to feel great to take something that you've been rolling around in your head for decades and actually spin it up into a full-size project!