7 / 7
Aug 2024

im currently redrawing pages for my comic "I'm in love with a magical girl4" and so far for the first page of script I already have 5 comic pages. if every page were like that, my first chapter would end up being 75 PAGES. that's so much T.T. I'm wondering if thats too long, should i split chapter 1 into 2 chapters or is it fine?

  • created

    Aug '24
  • last reply

    Aug '24
  • 6


  • 309


  • 1


  • 5


  • 1


Tapas has a limit of 61 pages you can upload at max size. You also have a max size (20mb) upload size. Check both of those. Otherwise you will have to split it up.

no I mean in general, im not uploading all at once. i'd post like twice a week. but im wondering if 75 pages is too long for your average comic or graphic novel

Doesn't seem too long to me. A normal single issue of an US comic is 24 pages. For EU they're generally double that size. Graphic novels tend to be longer, generally averaging out around 200-ish pages.

For reference my own works. Trespasser Chapter 01 is 114 pages, while Chapter 02 is 116 pages long. The 3rd Chapter, which I'm in the process of sketching out atm is going to be somewhere between 120 to 130 pages.

I suggest you make a test episode to see what you can handle. I tried (the last train) contest with only 15 panels and It took awhile for me o finish.

I agree. You need to see what you can do in the time allotted. I chose 30ish panels for a weekly comics. This allows me a pretty good story per episode with killing me working on it. If you can barely do 20, chose 15 as your normal. Give yourself some room to breath incase life happens and you get behind.