2 / 7
Nov 2023

I want to know what is the ideal font size and spacing between panels for a webcomic on scroll format.

  • created

    Nov '23
  • last reply

    Nov '23
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I hear most viewers would use Tapas App from their phones to read comics/Novels. So whenever you think your panels and text are too small or big, use the Tapas app from your phone to view your own comics and see if it is readable enough to you. Mind you, It is advisable to concentrate more on the text size.

The scroll page size is: Width-938 px, Height-4000 px.

is all up to preference, personally I use the sized of 940x1440 px per page (10 pages per episode), and for the text I use a 10 pt size.
the size of the panels are up to personal preference, to. but like @faisalhussein394 just said, many people read frfom their phones. so check if that's how you like it to look like for eveyone using their smartphone.

thanks, I want also to know ho big should the gap be between pannels

That space between panels will depend on how viewers including yourself will look at them on Tapas App.

Take a look at it on your phone and see if you're satisfied or want to change it.

For me, right now I am making sure my panels are not colliding with each other so that it won't look crowded and tight.

This is one of my previous page that i have yet to edit, they collide and sometimes look tight.

This is my current page, the panels no longer collide with each other.

But it is up to you on how much gap you want your panels to be.

also, gaps can be used as a medium to represent a lapse of time or space.
like if there's a transicion bewteen years or far away places, a huge gap could help to represent that.

I read somewhere that texts below 13px are difficult to read even on printed comics, so I tend to follow this advice.
For the spacing between panels I saved and looked on my phone the outcome to see if the scroll gave the pacing I wanted.