8 / 17
Jun 2024

Most people have routines right? Even fictional characters will often have little nuances in their lives that any real person would, and I find that in my novels quite a lot of the characters have my own habits.

Alicia ("Damsel in the Red Dress") loves drinking over sweetened tea with tons of milk. Leia and Riley ("Rigamarole") ride their bikes to the library and around town all the time, which me and my siblings used to do often. Essence ("A Dozen Morning Glories") has to spend hours detangling her natural hair...(and yes, this is mentioned in the novel.)

In what ways have you incorporated your own habits and routines into your characters?

  • created

    Jun '24
  • last reply

    Sep '24
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I love this question. :heart_02:
For funzies, each of my characters in Apparent Secrets (even the villains) have some of my personal habits, preferences, and routines added to their makeup.

Some examples:

  • Iris likes coffee, sewing, and making artwork
  • Zayzann has anxiety and could eat fish every day and love it
  • Byxx plays a lyre, is almost always moving or exercising
  • Khazmine is an avid reader, doesn't like to lose games
  • Alden is a morning person, loves animals, and being outdoors
  • Curtis and I had a similar home life
  • Warren has a sweet tooth, likes the rain, but hates being caught in it

I have bits of myself in all of my main characters, in their hobbies and personality quirks. I try only putting 2 or 3 things from my real life into a character to avoid making them too much of a copy of me. They're good to use as a springboard to relate/write what you know for a character, before taking them into a different direction.

In terms of lifestyle, Frankie is the closest to me, in that most of his free time is also spent playing piano, video games, or napping.

all your characters wear makeup, hmmm? well whatever suits them ig lol

you sew and play the lyre? that's really interesting.

A few more ways my characters have my traits

In "Damsel in the Red Dress"

  1. Jinho likes to pretend to be annoyed by his loved ones (okay it's just Andrew but still)
  2. Alicia can't stand the smell of peonies and struggles to draw them. She also makes weird art that are odd colors or combinations of animals with other things like fire etc.
  3. Etan (yes that jerk) doesn't like working in warm tones in his artwork, just like me (though I do so occasionally, it's not my preference)
  4. Mrs. Moon has been business and work oriented since her teenage years (I have been, for basically as long as I can remember, but I started professionally in my teens)

In "Rigamarole"

  1. Leia is a weird combo of girly girl and tomboy that has just always been her state of existence
  2. Both Riley and Leia suffer from depression, and Riley's eating disorders is inspired by my own struggles in my earlier teens.

In "A Dozen Morning Glories"

1, Essence and Dominic are both darker-skinned and have dealt with colorism because of it (yes, colorism is an element of this story)
2. Dominic is short (TT) and his siblings are his best friends
3. Erika isn't too good at taking constructive criticism about her novels (but fortunately i've grown out of this, it was a very real issue for me not-so-long ago)

I play poker and the main character of a comic I´m working on is my poker alter ego

The character of a comic that I finished and got printed wears clothes that I would wear
and has a similar haircut like me. I was interviewed by the newspaper because I won
a german comic contest, I went to their office and the interview guy laughed because
I was wearing the same clothes like my character.

My characters drink drinks that I like and my music taste also plays a role

The romance lead in my novel loves to eat but cannot cook and sleeps and dreams a lot. I do the same thing but I'm just lazy, not ill like he is. I'm also not drop dead gorgeous but I also have beautiful hair.

Sure do! Not super great at either, but they're fun hobbies. :shirt: :coffee_love:

Intentionally? Never. Unintentionally, I probably have done it before.

i'd love to learn to sew at some point, but even being mid at it is better than i'm doing rn lol.

beautiful hair yes! all my leads have so much longer hair than I do rn lol

It's a fantastic hobby, and a springboard to all different kinds of crafts and hobbies. You could go into cosplay, clothing, accessories, home decor, toys, you name it! :smile_01:

17 days later
23 days later

As someone who has lived much of my life with a skin irregularity, I'm well experienced in trying to hide it from people like Mora does, though in her case it's for literal safety, as having glowing purple vitiligo would stand out way too much.

This series debuts today at 5 p.m,

18 days later

Therese George ferments and cans food. My mother used to do canning pretty often when I was a kid, and my family makes our own fermented foods as well. Therese also makes soap herself, which is something else I remember my parents doing when I was younger.

Personally, I think a great way to make your stories feel more real is by adding things people actually do. For example, I know every morning I have a routine where I lay in bed for five minutes. The small details may help make a more realistic character!

19 days later

Christopher George from "Crystal Blue" loves art, anime and photography. I love the first two, and would love to get into photography. He also has a particular interest in insects and wildlife, and I just like learning interesting animal facts.