1 / 43
Oct 2019

This is my first topic and I may do more of these depending on how they go:

Sometimes I feel like I'm the slowest webcomic artist ever. :joy: I can make a panel look decent but it's not without adjusting it a bunch of times. I can sketch things way faster but I try to make my comic appeal more to the "meta" of webcomics... colors, digital, etc.

So I'm curious on how long others take to make panels/pages/or episodes personally?

You can post pictures and say how long it took you for that particular page.

And which step of your process takes the longest? For me it's finalizing the line art. Getting the anatomy at least looking somewhat decent. I would constantly tweak it... look from afar, see something off and tweak it again.

Something like this would take a whole day for me:

People get faster overtime but for me I'm taking longer each episode I work on. :sweat:

So yeah, I'd like to hear how slow of an artist everyone is and if you improved overtime! :smile:

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Sloth-like. Snail-like. Turtle-like.
But I blame that most on the procrastination and intimidation of actually getting something going. But when I’m actually drawing I can go at a decent speed.

I'm pretty fast depending on how complicated the page is, but I get easily distracted and demotivated. Pages take me a while because my mind wanders and I want to do ten things at once. I'm slower when it comes to sketching but speedy at lineart.

My comics is a 3 panel slice of life thing. So... 1 hour and 30 minutes with 10 minute breaks.
I aimed for something very simple that I can make on the daily. Yuegh.

I dunno. I've always felt that I was pretty slow, but others tell me the opposite.

Each page of my comic takes 6-8 hours (approximately.. I work in batches so I don't know for sure), which isn't all that bad and is much faster than when I started. But it's such a loooong comic that I feel like I'll be at it forever. I'd like to cut my time down to around 4 hours.

I always forgot to count the time when I'm drawing but coloring a single illustration could took me a whole day to a few.

At the beginning of the work week I feel like grease lightning. The closer the deadline gets however it seems the slower I get too.

I work really fast but it’s also my job so I sorta have to figure out ways to make stuff as fast as I can. I also find that quantity eventually leads to quality. My work improved a lot quicker having drawn a few hundred pages very quickly than back when I was only maybe drawing 60 pages a year.

I have in the past drawn 4-5 pages a day but the average is maybe 2 or 3. But right now I’m on a bit of a hiatus due to an injury. The timing couldn’t be better because right now I’m in the middle of putting together pitches for projects that already have a lot of work done on them so I don’t have to draw a million pages a day.

Well that depends on how many panels you can fill in a page.

Mine is a scrolling page so you can tell I could at least more than ten panels or nearly.

Every week from Saturday to Thursday I have about 3 to 5 hours free time during my full time job to draw comics and at least 6 to nearly 10 hours on my free time on Friday.

I am addicted to making full details even if it's just one character.

If you want to see how it looks you can take a peek:

Right now, I'm in a slow pace but thankfully if I manage to make a few panels, I could still update them and reduce them to regular size pages.

Depends from what i'm drawing in a page, for example, if i only have to draw detail panels, then i can complete 5 in a day with eventual breaks and resting moments as well, but if i have to draw a room or many characters in a chapter, that could even take me more than two weeks, i think.
I would say i'm a slow-type of artist too, but maybe because i was always more interested in doing illustrations rather than comics (only recently i re-started getting back to the old path) which take a lot of time if you have never really did them and also because i'm obsessed with aesthetic, i want everything to look pleasant for the eye so i spend a lot of time taking care of a good coloration, lineart, proportioned sketches and so on...another reason why i think i'm slow: i care too much about quality XD (but i still suck with the lettering part ehehe).

I can only make 2 pages every week. :sweat_01: but it's mostly because of my lack of motivation.

I've learned to be really fast because I do art for jobs (and there isn't an art job that allows you to work slow. Doesn't exist). But, as far as comics go, I'm at the stage where my concept and brainstorming takes longer to create than the art itself. Actual rendering is just gathering the reference I need, sitting butt to chair, and focusing. But I usually give the pieces a long time between stages of scripting, thumb nailing, and the first pass of laying out panels, so I can come back to it with a new eye and see if the concept is still working--since timing is so difficult and important in comic storytelling.

So...rendering wise it takes maybe an hour because it's black and white (I have yet to figure out a color fill system that is economical in time so I'll get back to you on how long color takes because I'm not sure yet)--some pages I add way more detail and those take more time--but if you add in actually pausing at each stage--I leave a 24-48 hours before I allow myself to come back to what I'm working on and make changes.

On average, a page takes 1-2 hours--if I rush it, or if there isn't much to the page, I can squeeze it down to 45 minutes.

I could't ever imagine working in colour--line art and composition are already hard enough, you also need to have good colour theory and an understanding of values (though this is still required for b&w works).

Kudos to you, color frens--you're all insane and I respect it.

Interesting, the script is usually the easiest part for me... can do it like 10x faster than making the art. But I guess one's art-style will affect the time and if your story is text driven or art driven.

However, I found since the art takes so long that it gives me time to edit existing text to say the same thing but better. So I find my dialogue getting more creative the longer I let it sit from what it originally was.

I wish I can do 1-2 hour pages lol. I probably could with how I used to make comics which was sketched and shaded with pencil and that was it. However, I took the color/webcomic format route cause I felt I was eventually going to gravitate towards it and it seems to be a lot more popular... at least on Webtoon.

I mostly read manga so sketchy, black/white art looks nice to me, but the general audience likes pretty colors so I gave in. My first story was really text driven and I was just learning how to draw... your style is a lot like how I want to make my comic but potential lack of growth because a lot of people don't want to read colorless comics would kill my motivation.

I'm the same. I also need so much time to do everything perfect for me.
I also track my time to see if I get better over the time.
This was my last episode:

I'm really faster in my current episode.
but then there are also personal things and work and so my update also is very slow. :frowning:
I think, even though it's really hard, you should blend it out. You don't do it as a job, but in your free time.
So the people can't really blame you when you update slowly :slight_smile:

edit: to compare my time to the episode: for this episode i make 62 panels

Slow, but I need to be careful since I draw traditionally. I don't have ctr + z to undo my mistakes, they're permanent :cry_01: