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Jan 8

I'm sure everybody is familiar with it, by now.
You click on a link on a phone.
The link tries to open in a browser.
The website doesn't work well on a browser. You run into all kinds of issues.
The website tries to get you to open the app.
You say no and choose to read it on your browser.
The site tries to bully you into opening the app and makes your life a living heck until you do so.
You already have the app.
The link still brings you to a browser
The browser tries to get you to open the app
You say yes
Instead of opening in the app, it brings you to the app store to download an app you already have.
You don't have the app.
The browser asks you to go to the app store.
You go to the app store and get the app
Getting the app doesn't open the link in the app. you still have to contend with the link going to a browser.

All of this makes it so hard for people to find my comic and makes me look incompetent and my product sub-par, to anyone who's knew to Tapas or who's not good with technology.
Is there no way to create a link that simply skips the browser entirely, (but only when used on a mobile device,) and brings the reader straight to the app or, if they don't have it yet, straight to the app store, without all this transferring?

  • created

    Jan 8
  • last reply

    Jan 13
  • 3


  • 168


  • 1


  • 1


Have you tried the link in a different webbrowser? That's sometimes the issue.

This is about what my readers see, though. I can't be telling people: "Oh just try another browser." Half of them are gonna walk out the moment something goes wrong. We need to be able to share a link on social media and it just work for people. If I could bypass the browser entirely, at least I could cut down on the amount of issues people run into.

Unless maybe I'm misunderstanding...
A link (really a URL) identifies a location on the internet where there is some kind of content (images, a webpage, data files, etc.).
A browser is software that can run on your device (laptop, etc.) that allows your device to access the internet locations & then interprets/displays the content (image, webpage, etc.).

That said & if we agree on that...
Are you trying to use or share a link that you found (maybe without using a browser)? Or to design a link to share? I think there's always some compatibility issues between the content stored at a link & the software (browser, app, whatever) that tries to make sense of the content for a user.

Of course, maybe I need to come up to speed on something & I hope to learn something new.