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Nov 2022

Hello there,

After a year long hiatus on Tapas, I returned to 372 notifications, of which I could only see the most recent 11. This is a phenomenon I've noticed before (old notifications being inaccessible) but being active on the platform made it manageable. Now, I don't know how I could possibly catch up on a year of Tapas happenings without knowing exactly what happened, and I can't just forget that the notifications exist because the number will remain there until I click on all the notifications, haunting me for the rest of eternity.

If you have a solution to this, please tell me (and if you don't, please direct me to someone who can help). You must already know, by the time you've finished reading this sentence, that I'm very curious to discover the secrets of my many, many notifications.

Thanks in advance.

Lots of love and ink,

  • created

    Nov '22
  • last reply

    Dec '22
  • 7


  • 604


  • 5


  • 5


You probably can't do a lot to view them, but here are some ideas...

To see who has followed your work with a sub, you can click on your subscriber count on Browser Tapas (not app) and see the list of who is following it.

You can see how many likes your pages/episodes have on your dashboard.

For comments, I recommend just going through your episodes and looking for comments you didn't reply to.

You can see ink donations on the "support" page, which I think can show all of them.

Hopefully that helps!? :sweat_02:

There is also a option that says "mark all as read" incase you want to get rid of the red big numbers in your notifs tab

Huh, for me the big red number on the bell disappears when I click the bell, while the only sign of unread notifications are the yellow dots next to them when I have the drop-down menu open :0 Are you on desktop? :no_mouth:

That sorta helps. Thanks. I was most concerned about Comments. I wanted to know if there was an alternative besides the obvious before I took the plunge.

I already do the rest of what you suggested. The one about subscribers is a necessity since clicking on a (just subscribed) notification doesn't (since I last checked at least) take you to the subscriber's profile.

I used to roll my at eyes an email notifications but I'd have really appreciated them in this instance.

Thanks for the help.

Yes, thanks for pointing it out, I'll click on that and make it disappear.

Ah. I guess all the replies to my comments in other people's stories will be lost to me forever. A hefty price.

Thanks for your help!

I didn't have the app. I used desktop view on Mobile then downloaded the app to see if the notifications would show there. No dice.

1 month later

closed Dec 24, '22

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