26 / 28
Apr 2024

I’m sorry to tell you this, but the middle school fanfic writers would read his name, think it sounds cool, and overhaul his entire personality. This is only a half joke, cause I’ve seen it done before

I just worry about shippers because what they do is that they vilify one character in order to uplift the pairing of their choice and... I don't like that. You can not be soul mates and all still be friends. In fact, that's something I wanted to show.

Similar to @MK_Wizard, I think shipping is likely to cause the most blatant mischaracterizations, lol. There's a couple of characters I could see being given a more blatantly antagonistic role in fanfics for the sake of being an "obstacle" for their preferred ship. :stuck_out_tongue:

On a smaller scale, I think some of my "edgier" characters could either have some of the edge sanded off, or somehow become even more edgy, depending on the fan.

Lol! I know right?

Well, as for BF, I feel like a stereotypical "fandom" would ship her and Otto with literally anyone except each other. :joy:

Hell, we'd probably have folks shipping Crystal with Motormouth before Otto.

I'm honestly so divorced from fandom dynamics, that I can't really imagine how my work would be misinterpreted. There's always some weird shipping I guess, but I can't really see much potential outside Kyara and Zack on that front :thinking:

Honestly, it's not who they ship. It's how they'll act. I believe in free speech and artistic freedom which extends to my fans. I also cannot stop them from having fantasies nor do I want to because Psychoborg itself was initially He-Man fanfiction. It was all based on an episode from the 2002 reboot that was a lost opportunity to do something different in my opinion, but evolved into its own unique thing. With that said, if I can inspire other people to make great stories inspired by my work, I would be proud and as part of doing my job as an artist which is to inspire people.

My greater concern is that the fandom will become unfriendly and be driven to do regretful things. Fandoms should bring people together not be a battleground over who is right or who is most popular. THAT is what worries me. Everything else is just good clean fun.

I’m reading all these comments abt how shippers tend to mischaracterize characters for the sake of the ship, and yeah. One of my biggest fears as author is for people to see the more questionable relationships in my work, and either think it’s oh so sweet and then get mad when people rightly point out it’s kinda toxic, or that people think I condone instead of waiting for the characters to develop. Bleh.

Oh my god readers looove to put my OC's in gender boxes. I write mostly about queer men who are in relationships. "This one is more feminine, so he must be the girl/a bottom. The other one will protect him and be like a prince!" Like, no sweetie? They're both men. Unless the narrative tells you one of them is non-binary or has transgender feelings, they are men and that is not open for interpretation. I can't tell you how many times readers have decided that one of them is a girl. This is a pretty widely done in the BL reader space, tbh. I love my readers, but honey, those are men unless I told you otherwise. There's no boy/girl dynamic in the relationship. One time, the readers decided that in one of my series that a guy was "the girl" for sure and decided to call him "she/her" in the comments. "I identify with her so much. I just want to hug her and tell her that her man is going to come home." I was in tears of laughter and grief at the same time.

Ohhhhhh dear god I hate that so much, that it literally takes up half of one of my ocs pictures up there. Worst part, is that people who think like that are 50% grown women who should know better, and 50% 13 year olds being told by said grown women that they don’t need to.

I'm no expert in this, but as a woman who is married, I can tell you that being a decent significant other does NOT come with gender roles. I'm a feminine woman not because I'm married to a masculine man. This is who I was before I met him and it's what I will continue to be with or without him. I'm me for me.

With that said, I get your disdain with making one character the "woman" and the other the "man". In a relationship, you are still yourself and that is the point of it working out. Being you and being loved as you are not following some kind of "role".

Thank you for this. Honestly, I think my point is that there is no "girl" at all. They are men. Their gender role is that they are both "men in the relationship." Because they are men. Feminine and masculine don't make you a girl or a boy. They're men. A lot of BL readers who are girls like to insert themselves as they read, and I'm 100% sure that's what's happening. Even my queer readers choose a character to identify with more and insert themselves. It's so interesting to see. They'll make that character be whoever they want them to be no matter what the narrative tells them.

As a fellow a feminine guy: I completely agree. I'm glad you said it.

I love this trend lol 🤭 I post my comic on a lot of different platforms so I've seen some of this happen with my OCs

I've had people see my MC Bobbie as less intelligent than he is, probably bc he's often saying silly things for the sake of a punchline. But I don't intend for him to be stupid at all, I actually think he's very witty.

Another one I experience is Gabriel being seen as rude or mean. Bobbie is deaf and there are a lot of things Gabriel doesn't really get about deafness. But I don't mean for him to be a bad guy; he's just misinformed. He could stand to be less blunt about it though.

People would probably make Ross the "dumb one", or draw Ika as being incredibly effeminate because he's a trans man and they're basing their characterisation of him off of stereotypes rather than how he actually acts.
Yossele and Jafina would be stereotyped as religious prudes, or their faiths would just be ignored, and they'd probably just write Carmilla as the "funny fat girl."

Oooooh, I sure do looooooooove when they make trans male characters act super feminine/childish for some reason

(This is sarcasm. HEAVY sarcasm)