12 / 42
Nov 2022

I'd finally start going back to the library to borrow comics, books, and movies again. Don't need to do that with the internet since i can find whatever I want online. I miss chilling in the library all day

I miss those days every day. 100% of the young people I meet out of my house are starring
at the screen of their phone. At the bus station, at the traffic lights, on the bicycle, in the
park or walking the dog. It´s hard to meet people in real life. I still do that because I play
in bands and I also have a illustrator meetings but it´s really hard to motivate people
to go to the meetings, especially the ones who are younger. I still talk to people that I don´t
know and I think I scare some of them :smiley:

given the majority of things function online outside of just my own daily life i feel like it'd mean one hell of a chaotic world before people adjust to a life without net access

on a more personal level i've gone about a month without consistent access and just turning to local libraries for things that absolutely needed it and survived so while it'd be painful going back to I guess i could manage

My business is online and I sell digital downloads, so not good for me (money-wise). :sweat_smile::see_no_evil:

There was a storm in Texas 2 years ago which knocked out power and internet for a week and I was miserable lol. My attention span has ggotten so bad that I started twitching after an hr of reading. Most social and professional stuff are online for me as well.

That said, if the whole world is like that, I think it’d be nice to just join a small art collective to organize in person. Things would move so much slower. I grew up in preinternet Asia, and the collective living is really the best way of living imo

It will take a great deal of mental excavation but I'm certain I'll eventually remember how to live in the era when you had to go to a bar to get into fight with a stranger instead of doing from the toilet like we do now.

Well, it would be bad to be left without any artistic friends, honestly :sweat_smile: I am not the one to seek new contacts and I never were, so I would have some trouble going out looking for friends with similar interests.
My whole art career (as in, not the art I am constantly drawing for myself) is only internet-based too, but maybe I would try and become an artist for the only one big comic company that exists here?

In all other aspects, I am not someone to get bored, as long as books, paper and something to draw with exists, I can probably live in a very remotes places tending to the garden or something :smile: This year having a social media presence and having to be constantly updated on a situation online gave me an enormous amount of anxiety, so if anything, on this level it would be even better to have none of the internet.

I lived before everyone having the Internet. I would live fine without it.
Thanks to how the world is now it would be a tough transition back. But I would be happy enough without it.

I'd probably take-up a career in kickboxing. I've been doing that for self-defense, but I've gotten to a point where I can do more. I also might say "screw it" and figure out some sort of way to tell my stories. Broadway actor sounds nice.

But I'm ngl being a kickboxer in a world where there's no internet sounds more appealing. Straight-up Fist of the North Star up in this mutha'.

The first I used the internet was in 1998 and I was 23 at that time.
I don´t have the feeling that I depend on it at all and I think that social life would be way better without
it because people would be forced to see and talk to each other again in real life

Hm ... it would make my current lifestyle a logistical nightmare XD I can't just casually hop into my car or on a bus without fare evading on a regular basis, so I'd have to walk everywhere if I want to do stuff - which is currently unnecessary thanks to the internet.

Or maybe the people immediately around me are equally screwed so there'd be more stuff to do closer to my location? That's the best case scenario :stuck_out_tongue:

Beeee ooooooo skreeeeeee urrrrrrtttt ooooooooo khkkhkkhkkhh

On one hand it would help because I could focus on doing work without being sucked into doomscrolling, but then it would suck coz there would be no way to put my work/my name out there to people.

But this would open new opportunities for you.
Local customers in case you want to make money with your work

I would be really bored and basically out of a job (I'm an aspiring animator so ye) It'd be a big F in the chat

I actually hate using the internet professionally and have been working towards a future where I don’t need to rely on a social media presence for years now so I actually think I would fair well.

I have an agent who I communicate on the phone with who manages to get me advances on my work that are more than livable, my books are in hundreds of book and comic shops all over the world and my royalty checks can be pretty good, I (usually) do a lot of the big conventions and could transition all my networking to irl events (which honestly I have found to be more effective anyway).

I do use the internet for supplemental income but I could just pick up more work that my agent sends to me (the work I normally say no to) and it would honestly probably make me more money (though I would be suffering through some of it).

My comedy hobby is already something I have to do irl more than online since I’m still pretty early in it to be posting any of that online but honestly not having to think about how to post on social media would make it a lot easier for me. One less thing to think about.

I also live next to one of the best libraries in the states which is already an invaluable resource to me.

I do socialize a lot online but I probably socialize just as much irl. It might just force me to strengthen my local friendships.

All in all, I think I have done a good job of shielding myself in case something like that were to ever occur.

I'm somewhere in between. I lived for a while away from the internet and I was a little more relaxed, and that reminded me of when I was a kid and went to the park with my cousins ​​or watched TV, but I missed it. It's not an addiction. I know that I can handle it, BUT without it, I wouldn't be here. I wouldn't have learned anything I know now. I wouldn't know how to draw or design a comic. Then, I couldn't live without it but, it wouldn't be the end of the world for me either.

Depends on how long. I have enough books and comics (and offline games) to keep me sane if I have to stay home without internet. If it is down forever... well I think that would be the least of my problems as it seems the whole world is dependent on it - doomsday mode off, I think I would manage but it wouldn't be pleasant without as I love youtube and webcomics.