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Jun 2015

Keiii had such an amazing idea that I want to steal it.6

So, I will be doing a similar concept except with the world of my comic Ark.8 I will be sketching/doodling your character how they may fit in to the world in which Ark is set in. Due to this they can either be anthropomorphic8, hybrid8, or humanoid6. The outfits will also be converted since the 'time period' is more of a pseudo-1920s feel.

What I need from you though!

  • reference!
  • some keywords to their personality and any physical traits that are very important to them as a character.
  • Yay or nay to prohibition. [Yes, this is important actually]

I may not be able to do everyone but I'll do as many as I am able!

  • created

    Jun '15
  • last reply

    Jun '15
  • 26


  • 2.9k


  • 17


  • 31


  • 14


Hello there! Well here we go. I'd love to see my character Coyote (that's his nickname, actual name is Sven) in the comic, your art is amazing!

You can see him here, in both pages of Coyote Bison1

And here's some extra reference.

He's a cheeky, self-centered young coyote-dog mix (in universe, the equivalent of a half native American) who only thinks about himself, and makes a point of seeming way less prepared than he is, and weaker as well. However, he's not (completely) mean-spirited. The only important physical trait he has are those three read lines in his chin.

Thank you so much!!

And as prohibition uhhh is it the drinking prohibition we're talking about? He loves drinking.

Oh geez, I just replied to Keiii's and I'm gonna reply here too. HAHA!

Here's Vallerie. I personally don't like the picture reference here so Imma put a link to the comic to show how I normally want her to look like lol

Personality and stuff: Compassionate, paranoid, lonely, easily flustered and embarrassed, brave when necessary. Not a tomboy but not too girly. Has grey eyes.

She definitely doesn't mind some booze.

Humanoid, maybe? :3

Do take your time =w=

ah, cool, cool! Count me in. smile

Hm, here's Milo. I probably would've chosen another character but Milo's always the easiest, since he's just a white cat with fluffy cheeks. Haha.

He's always quite casual & friendly, but occasionally brings on the sass when need be (or even if it's not needed...). He can be audacious which some characters take as rude, since he'll usually be honest, though it really depends on who he's talking to. Oftentimes, he means well in the end, though. As for the prohibition part, he doesn't love to drink, but if it's your treat (with some food maybe), then he's in, pal! So nay to prohibition, I guess...?

humanoids are much higher up on the caste system then other races and thus tend to be thought of as privileged and spoiled since most can actually afford to keep an air of wealth about them. It is a common joke that a human will be more enraged by a lack of fashion then a lack of moral.

Oh wow this is also a super cool and unique realm! I'd love to see how you could fit one of my sci fi characters in with your style if you are comfortable with it! >v<

Both of my protagonists are a small group that is trying to fight a master corporation with footholds in the government. Nick is grumpy while Veronica is pretty chill.

Anthro cats tend to be very well respected amongst different modern day communities due to a long tradition of being peacekeepers and joining the patrol force. However, a downside to this is that is usually heavily expected for a feline family to keep their positions in the patrol. To go a different career route can lead to quite a few stares. Patrol do have the upside of often riding giant hornets [only military is another branch granted access to owning a hornet]. It is common slang to call anyone on the patrol 'horns' due to the use of Hornets.

Awesome!!! Thank you! What a dashing fellow you've made him to be. :'D oh i love how well thought out your world and system are. Neat!!

Oooh! I'd love to see what Oops or Plague would look like in the Ark universe. Plague might already sort of fit in the Ark world since he's a humanized animal, however, Oops might be more of a creative challenge?

  • He's a mute, which forces him to be very expressive with his body language. Personality wise he kind, sometimes stubborn, and bit of a troublemaker, but not to point of causing major harm. The black triangles on his cheeks glow when very emotionally upset. The lack of nose is an artist style choice, so I'll leave that up to you. wink

  • Plague is Oops' best friend, however, he's a smart alecly trouble making prankster that doesn't think too much about the consequences. He's deathly scared of cats and would do anything to help his buddy.

Not sure what you mean about "Yay or nay to prohibition"...
However, thank you in advance smiley

I love these! Here's Johnny Bullet! He drives muscle cars and sole crime!

Oooh, I'm gonna be cheeky and post here as well! My characters Masahiro and Akane from Grassblades1 look like this:

Masahiro is the the world's biggest grumpy-pants, and he is missing his left hand from the wrist down; he covers up most of his left arm in bandages. Akane is a semi-mute little girl who really only trusts Masahiro, but is generally friendly.

Masahiro is against the Prohibition (people should be allowed to get as drunk as the damned well please, thank you very much) and Akane hasn't got an opinion either way; she's (probably) six. She doesn't drink. XD

Oh yes please : D

greedy, optimistic, a bit childish, friendly but kinda selfish, and she's a thief.
As for prohibition, more like 'huh?' cx she doesn't drink too much, but it's normal in their world to have wine to the meals c:
And love that idea : D

Thanks! ouo Half the fun for fantasy writing for me is world building so I tend to go overboard a bit aha