27 / 27
Sep 2024

I am an anxious wreck and needing hot chocolate or cookies or something.

Is it bad that I have normal hot chocolate and seasonal hot chocolate

I'd drink it every day if I could.
I put it in my coffee -- that is if I have any left XD

I don't want to go too much into my personal live but I am a bit stressed.

I am also recovering from surgery, which does give me hope that I will get better.

hard to put to words but it's definitely a mitski - abbey kind of mood lately

still relatively optimistic but the fight through things like burnout are tiring to say the least :sweat_02:

I wake up every morning and feel thankful for simple things. It gives me a good start in
the day and I´m generally a person with a positive mental attitude and that´s what I recommend
to everyone.

It is very, very hard to get some attention with creative work and some people even try to sabotage
you on your way and bring you down instead of a little support. It is important to pull through and keep
at it and to have as much fun as possible while creating it, it will show in your work

Yep. When you see (or get a glimpse of) beyond the fog, you too will feel the same way. It's a place where there is no room for hate (of self and / or others) or any negative feeling. But sometimes to get there, you must go through pain. :blush:

Lol honestly? Never done sub 4 sub, I'd rather have readers than dead numbers so I normally participate in Q&A, reading events, promote in groups that are more likely to have my audience. The forum is nice to promote on every blue moon, since new people come in sometimes, but the community here has gotten so tiny. You're just showing your stuff to the same people over and over again most of the time.

Comic wise, I've been on hiatus for over a year now due to two jobs taking all my time and energy. It's a little depressing because I want to finish the story so bad, plus drawing is my de-stress, so I haven't had many opportunities to just... breath? all this time. Other than that I'm doing good, just living that American Dream. Finances are tight but who isn't having money struggles in this day and age. Lol

Guys, maybe we open new thread/topic - PROMO with description to sub only if you like a story - I feel like it's a lot of sub for sub topic but less more quality ones like "what your character do"/ "what inspire x" or something like that.

:stars: Greetings!

Just like our stories and comics, everything takes time. The right audience will find you.

My mood: Hyperactive! Hopped up on Dr. Pepper. Currently working and writing.

I'd much prefer an interest in my comic than just saying "i liked ur thing, now like mine." It doesn't help me understand my audience if it's just done for a number. I usually go into regular promo once in a while and just post in a maximum of 3 the day of an update for myself.

I think your idea of the promo topic with the intention of garnering actual interest is good, but also borders on what is already there in the promo channel.

Then again... we do have lots of topics with people just talking about their stories. Imho, I don't like participating in those mostly because it detracts from a person going to my comic to find that info out for themselves. And a lot of fun questions for creators to share in the forums ask about stuff that some people can't take part in because of where their stories are, and how much they do/don't want to give away. Hmm...

But I think this idea has merit. Maybe it being specifically like a "library space" or "reading room" kind of thing. Like, "This is the reading room for the mystery genre for comics! And here are all the subgenres categorized under mystery with respective comics linked there!" or something! :sweat_01:

I went to see the therapist 2 months ago because of the depression I had.

my mood is dead right now.

Heya. Sorry the numbers are getting you down lately. I don't wanna force optimism here, because it's really okay to feel how you do about this stuff. Just don't let it keep you down. :} :rose:

If you are okay with me suggesting something.... please put your Tapas link in your forums profile description. That may help people get to your works on Tapas, even if you aren't posting in promos or sharing the link directly in the forums. Sometimes when you talk to people in the forums and they are interested in you, they click on your profile to see what you do. I clicked on your profile pic here, but it doesn't lead anywhere. So I couldn't view your work on Tapas. I also looked up your username on Tapas and nothing showed up for comics, novels, or people.

I'm feeling good today! A few days ago, I started writing down my daily accomplishments in a journal which helps me feel better about them.

Hope the audience struggles get easier soon : (. I’m feeling fairly mediocre, my birthday is coming up and that always sucks since it’s around the start of school, but I think it’s being cancelled out a little by the fact that I just started my comic and the “new project” fun hasn’t worn off yet