123 / 194
Feb 2016

It's nice to meet you all, I've been a Tapastic reading lurker since 2013 but only recently started uploading my art sturffs.
If life goes according to plan (LOL) I will be uploading a comic series up later this year.

•1• Hmm my favorite dinosaur growing up is a toss up between the Triceratops and the Apatosaurus. Thanks to Don Bluth's influence, no doubt.
My very first Free Comic Book Day comic (we were only allowed one comic per kid back then) I chose Cadillacs and Dinosaurs because dinosaurs + muscle cars in a post-apocalyptic world setting!!!! It couldn't get any better than that! I still have that issue as well as the full collection of Xenozoic on my shelves. blush

•2• I keep Christmas lights up in my room year round. (mostly white but multi-colored are good too.)

•3• My parents let me stay up to watch Wagner's Complete Ring Cycle when I was just a wee munchkin (under ten years old) and I stayed awake for the entire thing glued to the TV completely mesmerized. O_O
THAT was the beginning of my life long friendship with all things fantasy. XD

Hello! We can't wait to see your comic!
1. Don Bluth has influenced many a young mind. In a great way. Dinosaurs & Cadillacs is a sweet read.
2. Xmas lights have a great effect on a room. Both soothing and whimsical.
3. Whoa, that's cool. Mine was watching Willow and Big Trouble In Little China on a continuous loop.

First off, welcome to Tapastic!
Second, anyone who uses the phrase "cool cats" unironically is someone worth listening to.
Thirdly, Ankylosaurus is definitely a good choice.

  1. I've been inventing stories and drawing pictures almost my entire life. You'd think I'd have started doing comics before now.
  2. My favorite food... is breakfast.
  3. D&D player here, too!

Oh, and by the way, my comic is Outcast Kingdom1. It's sort of a light-hearted fantasy adventure.

Willow and Big Trouble in Little China, now that is a combo of most excellence! smile
Any thoughts on the possible remake of BTILC?

Hi, i started my comic this week in the site TV Kids Are So Yesterday, its a gag strips, mainly i'm joking with anime/manga culture for now.

So to the facts:

  1. I didn't watch Labyrinth until i was 20 years old cause i was really scared with David Bowie in the VHS cover when i were a child, and tought was a horror movie.
  2. I'm reading old Flash comics, since the begining of the Wally West era and i'm loving it.
  3. My dog's name is Dedé.

Hey thanks! You are officially a cool cat yourself!
1. Its never too late to start.
2. Breakfast is beloved for a reason. I'm a lunch fan, but mostly my allegiance is to french fries.
3. Awesome! What's your usual go to character?

They are just great movies to have over and over as I have.
I personally don't want a remake. But if the right team gets assembled for it, than maybe I can be swayed. Haha

Hey there!
1. Actually that's a funny point. He did look scary.
2. Oh man, everything Mark Waid wrote is great. And I really enjoyed Geoff Johns' run.
3. What kind of dog is Dede?

I don't really have a go-to character, as I haven't really played enough to have a 'default'. By circumstance, I've found myself being the GM most often. In the game I'm currently playing, (with some house rules,) I'm a satyr mage. But in general, I usually gravitate towards healing, support, or good characters, so probably cleric or paladin? But not always.
What about you?

  1. Man, the kid-me didn't liked even to stare the cover.
  2. I'm beginning the mark waid phase now, allways heard great things about his run, and i love him as a comic writer.
  3. He's a Dachshund, but his legs isn't short like the majority.

xD It's actually fun watching those little rascals doing stuff on the balcony. At ~6:30am they're poking at the glass windows, and it's a Pitangus sulphuratus along with a bird from another species. I think they're a subdivision of the same gang.

And man, you just gave me an idea for a pun I'm gonna use in a future series. Thank you very much xD

Though I like such materials, I unfortunately can't afford buying pastels. They'd make coloring much faster and help me use colored pencils only for details. Coloring this background, for example, was a total pain =_=

I've GM'd once, but was actually for The Dresden Files RPG. It was really fun!
I like to vary my character. I usually wait till I hear what everyone is going to be, and then be the opposite or the piece they're missing. If that's not an option, I really enjoy the wise-cracking Orc Barbarian or exasperated Tiefling Wizard.

  1. Too be fair, looking back at Labyrinth, it was pretty intense at points.
  2. His latest Daredevil run was been spot on incredible.
  3. A tall Dachshund? You just blew my mind.

Yeah, i tought my uncle who gave him was just wrong about that, but the veterinary confirmed.

A gang of mischievous birds! Well if you liked THAT other pun wait till I ask you some True or FOWLS questions!


And we're back.
Art supplies are not cheap. Its an expensive pursuit. But what an awesome pursuit! The expression and freedom is addictive.

Maybe he's like the first mutant, Dachsuperior! With the incredible power of tall legs.

You could open up "Rodrigomush's School For Gifted Puppies" and protect the world with adorable dogs!

That's looks like a great idea, going out to find new dogs right now!