Guilherme Cahú
Recife, Brazil tapastic.com/series/Badger-Badger
Hello! I'm the creator of Badger Badger, the story of a guy with low self-esteem and doubts about this future.
- Joined
- Jul 10, '14
- Last Post
- Jul 22, '16
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- May 5, '17
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tl;dr: go and make comics. The point is, making comics isn't only about drawing. I'm not the best one to talk about this but let's try to list some things: For drawing itself, there are some fundamentals: Perspective Solids Light & Shadow Poses Anatomy Andrew Loomis says that, in order to…
Aw man this thread is great!
Now I'm gonna say it. Do you know what most pisses me off? The fact that Tapastic didn't reach for us, the current creators, to develop (to prototyping and testing) and launch its new app. Suddenly there was a novel section that other people from outside of the community would use to share their…
There is this free comic theme for Tumblr that's very good: https://www.tumblr.com/theme/39018 Alex Lee uses it for this Blue Cat Cafe and I used for my Badger Badger (though I stopped updating on Tumblr). By the way, the theme is super easy to install and to make the proper edits. There are instr…
[cries while being shaken] thanks q_q
I'm trying to finish the research & analysis phase for a male bag I'm developing as a research project for college and it's too much information, too many variable things =_=
~runs and hugs forum chan~
Funny thing, Dilma was tortured during our military dictatorship here - for real. But every dictatorship is corrupt and it's very ironic that she's part of a corruption scheme too. Sure she's a president in what is now a republic, but she's being as corrupt as the military was. What a shame, Dilma…
Thank you very much, @jessicasurline =) And thank you too, @BraveHeartTatsumaki. I didn't know Chile was in a bad situation too. Have you ever heard of Foro de São Paulo? Bachelet is part of this, so is Dilma, brothers Castro, that shitty dictator of Venezuela and more. This is what's destroying L…
This is something I wanted to share on my profile but I don't know, for some reason I think it'd be good to share it here too. There are serious things happening here and I think that sharing this can help us avoid thinking that every place in the world is beautiful and a dreamland. Things are more …
Hey everybody, I'm the creator of Badger Badger and I've just set up a Patreon =D Now you can financially support me if you want and receive some rewards. There's even a Telegram channel and, between me and you, the second milestone includes a traditional art giveaway ;D Here's the link: https:/…
I'd like to use this post to ask something: if there is a reward of a sketch/commission, does it need to be repeated the next month? I mean, if a creator offers a b&W sketch for, say, $5, would s/he need to offer this again the next month? I know it seems kinda simple but I've seen some Patreon ca…
20th anniversary and people's fanart and attention to the date is much much higher and better than Nintendo's. I saw that 2 min video and couldn't believe my eyes. "Only this? For the 20th anniversary date? They must be kidding..."
=P Decided to post them here too [image] [image] [image]
Aw =/ It's ok, thank you anyway =) I'll post the sketches/drawings soon on BB page.
No worries man, thanks for all =)
Hey everyone we're starting @ http://www.ustream.tv/channel/v7ymd7nSh96
Hello, I'm the creator of Badger Badger here on Tapastic and the comic just hit 100+ subs, finishing chapter 1. For this I'm holding a livestream tomorrow with some traditional drawing, sketchbook sharing and some monologue. The livestream will this be this friday @ 5pm GMT on Ustream and the link…
Observation drawing when I was at the beach last year. I don't remember how many hours it took me. [image] Reproductions of squirrels as study. [image] Test pages for Badger Badger with annotations. [image]
As @aronthemason said, a buffer makes everyone happy. When I started mine, I had a buffer that lasted for around 2 months and half, which allowed me to focus 100% on college. In this case, kinda kicking back and chilling was my goal, but the real meaning of this was actually dedication to college. W…
hehe believe me, it was not that ;D For sure, man. And yeah, the sensation of touching the material you're using, feeling the pigment that'll be registered on the medium and having absolute total control over everything.. man this is amazing.
xD It's actually fun watching those little rascals doing stuff on the balcony. At ~6:30am they're poking at the glass windows, and it's a Pitangus sulphuratus along with a bird from another species. I think they're a subdivision of the same gang. And man, you just gave me an idea for a pun I'm g…
I'm gonna join this too, it sounds fun. I don't have a favorite dinosaur (I usually don't have a favorite thing) but there are some still-living animals I like very much, like Pitangus sulphuratus (which is part of a bird gang that comes to steal barn from our only barn-made flower pot and to poo…
Hey! o/ Pra ganhar alguma quantia considerável no Ad Revenue você precisa de muitas visitas. Muitas mesmo. Centenas, milhares. Apenas algumas poucas dezenas não vão fazer nada, e se o pessoal por acaso estiver usando Ad-Block, aí você já sabe o que acontece.
Not sure if someone talked about this already but something I really hated when I watched it was Owari no Seraph. There was the deus ex machina supporting character (that kinda sadistic girl there) that behaved like "you're total shit and I'm better than you - but I'm only teasing you so you can get…
Tapastic could have that captcha autentication only while creating an account, instead of having it each time the users logged in. Also, maybe it's be better to pin this post...
There's a picture already [image]
Whoa this is awesome! Thanks, @LittleEndian!
I think we'll have much exposition now, followed by some characters, I mean, users, getting powered up.