8 / 8
Jun 2023

So I had 261 subs yesterday and when I woke up, I got 270 subs. I looked through them and they're not bots at all. Well... two are suspicious, but aside from that, everyone else is completely normal. They're liking episodes too. I'm just wondering if it has to do with the update changes?

Or if I reached a point view-wise? Because we're almost hitting 50,000. Or maybe I'm being recommended by the site (I can't exactly see)?

Yeah just wondering.

  • created

    Jun '23
  • last reply

    Jun '23
  • 7


  • 492


  • 1


  • 21


I think this have to do with a lot of students finishing their terms and finally having free time. We had quite an influx of readers on Webtoons, so at least that's my theory, because literally nothing else changed ^^

Ah sweet lmao. :heart_01:

I'm thankful to know that THIS MANY people were willing to read the comic. Maybe I should think about posting That Stick Figure Isekai again on Webtoons. I got nothing else to do today :v

Boy you absolutely should! If you have it in scroll, do it right now xD

Y'know, this has actually been happening to me too, lately. I'm currently getting new subs seemingly out of nowhere and that makes me quite happy. I agree with what Kelheor said, it's probably due to the fact that people have more free time now.

Wow, congratulations! You must be making something that people like.

Congratulations!! What a big milestone! :tapa_pop:

I noticed I got 5 of 6 subs recently, too! I did get lucky enough to get featured in a collection thing, but all except one sub came before that.