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Feb 15

Like I committed to responding to every new post, unless it was something where I obviously didn’t fit, and I was surprised by how rarely there was a new post. Like hours and hours went by without one, and even more rarely was there more than one to come back to. Oh well, less work for me then, it’s whatever.

Did anyone else think there were more new posts than this?

Posting comments on other posts? Basically multiple people have said that I don’t respond to other people and they never see me on other posts and that this is a problem so i’m changing that, so i’m not that weird dude who just goes around with stupid questions.

But this approach is even weirder?!

Obsessively commenting on posts? Reviving dead posts just to leave a pointless comment? Complaining about a lack of new posts for you to pretend you're interested in???

Dude. Go out and get a job or make some friends. Be with family. Do anything but sit around and obsess over this tiny, TINY patch of Internet.

The forums used to have a bit more going on, but it died down once the tapas discord was created.

That said, I understand your train of thought about getting yourself more involved in the forums, but don’t revive much older topics. Maybe the goal can be adjusted to something like “pick 3 most appealing new topics”, and if there aren’t three new topics, don’t force it. Just a suggestion. I think it’s good that you’re trying to be more involved and not just focused on your own work and questions!

As someone who seems like I comment on everything. Honestly I mostly just pick a few topics that I have something to say. Even then, I have been posting less because I am trying to be less negative all the time. Also, I’m tired.

I honestly think you have a weird obsession with the forums that doesn’t seem healthy. Why are you demanding more when you already post a lot? Do you have other hobbies? If you do this in your free time, do you have other websites? All of this comes off as odd.

Sorry I didn’t intend to sound upset that there were less posts.

I have other hobbies. I’ve been getting back into video games, and drawing, and I’m trying to do more reading, and I think I write fairly consistently.

I also have a tumblr and I’ll post way more to that than I post here, like it can get obsessive. But I don’t really have like tumblr users I feel in any way connected to, and I can’t post writing questions to tumblr and expect responses because it’s not a writing space and also I don’t get replied to on tumblr often anyway.

This forum is a relic of a time gone by. And it never was a place where you could actually build an audience even when there were more people. This is a place for creators talk shop more than build audiences. Expecting other creators to follow and spend all their time devoting themselves to your stuff when they have their own creations and concerns is just a waste of time.

The nice thing here is that we can learn from each other and share ideas...but gaining an audience from the forums...if that's your goal isn't gonna work.

As everyone has said - this forum has slowed down a lot since discord started. However, here are still a group here that does consistently talk. But spamming new topics is not the way to do so.

I was never really hoping to build an audience, just discuss story and art stuff with other writers and artists. That’s why i’m okay saying what happens in my story before it comes out because none of the actual audience members i’m hoping to get will actually see those forum posts. I also stopped taking part in promotion posts and sub for sub for the same reason, like it will never get you an audience just other creators like you hoping for more views if they look at your story.


People have a life outside the forum, other hobbies, other communities, other responsabilities and stuff to do. If you can count the hours and notice there isn't a new topic, then that means you have way too much free time on your hands.

And at the same time many have told you have a forum addiction, that the amount of time you're here is not healthy, its obsessive and disruptive to others.

Have I been spamming posts recently or do you mean earlier when i’d post all the time for no reason? Or do you mean spamming like spamming comments on posts?

Okay well then...just chill and let people post in their own time? Can't force conversation ¯⁠\⁠⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠⁠/⁠¯

Sorry if it sounded like that was what I was doing. I just thought this forum was more busy than this. I’m not mad that people do things other than posting, I just wasn’t expecting so few new posts.

It never stopped being constant.

People described you obsessed back then and even now, like really, check again the comments of other people here and from back then. The problem is still the same: You have a forum addiction, be it an original post or commenting on someone else's you spend way too much time here.

How much time do you think I should be spending on the forum? I hope this isn’t a dumb question, I just don’t know what to make the normal way to do it. Like would an hour still be too much time?

Figure it out yourself instead of trying to drag us once again on your rabit-hole questions

I promise this wasn’t going to become some rabbit role. If you’d just said “30 minutes” i’d thank you, close the forum, and go somewhere else, just so you know. Not to be defensive or something. I’ll make 30 minutes the rule from now on just because.

Mate, just get a hobby. This forum is practically a fossil, there's no point stalking it