Submitting my nefarious villain(ess), Kittens-For-Hands!
Villain Name: Kittens-For-Hands!
Catchphrase: And you thought cat-burglars were bad!
Powers: She was born with kittens instead of hands. It's unclear whether these are legitimate animals or merely manifestations of her inner, furry soul. Either way, she has complete control over them. Mostly. Sometimes. To be honest, they don't really listen to what she wants, and they tend to paw at moving things, knock glasses off of tables, attack each other, and poop on the carpet. But she's turning her inconvenience into a superpower! Now her cat-hands join her in her quest to amass shiny objects and hide them under her living room sofa! Going hand-to-hand against her is super painful, due to eight sharp canines and eight razor-sharp claw-paws. Her weakness is tuna or anything made from fish. Her cat-hands get completely distracted, while she gets immobilized by vague nausea.
Other Details: She's mostly been a shut-in due to her condition, so her fashion and social senses are terrible. Crocs and gauges? A shaved haircut with frizzy red hair? Pink and green in the same outfit? What? Won't stop her!
P.S. I run a completely unrelated (kind of inspirational? I think?) comic about love, life and chasing your dreams, starring two lost creatures in a universe of space llamas, anxiety leviathans, robotic birdcage galaxy guardians, and an ice cream shop at the end of spacetime. If you've ever felt like you're in the Outer Spaces, it might be up your alley.