2 / 26
May 2020

I appreciate the Tapas staff listening to the users' suggestions and bringing back infinite scroll, but to be honest I find the new website quite ugly! And I am surprised no one seems to be talking about it!

I was looking through the website with a friend and there are just so many things that bother us both (though I agree with everything here, a lot of these comments are things she thought of, not me, btw).

Are you guys seeing this? Please let me know if I am being crazy or if you agree.

There are so many menus. Top menu, bottom menu, right menu. It makes the screen look so cramped.
And, though I do think I might be able to get used to it, reading comments on the right like that is quite uncomfortable! Especially long ones like in this screenshot.

Also, when Deo first sent me that screenshot, I thought the right bar was a temporary pop up.
It's not. It's just always there (unless you click fullscreen, which hides all your tabs. And you can't fullscreen while having a window not take up your entire screen).

When I move my cursor too far to the right, it shifts the screen slightly. The screen keeps jumping as I browse. Including the comic page I am reading. It's so janky!

And then there's just all the little visual things. There are so many buttons that do the same thing, making the screen look even more cluttered.

These two buttons do the same thing.

Two subscribe buttons.

Two "add a comment" buttons. Also, "Add a comment" and "See all" do the same thing.

What does this bar do?

Okay, here's something different.

On smaller screens, the menu bar hides the pages. Guys this is an actual problem.

Some more visual things.

What do you think the little "More..." does?

Was it bring up a popup of the comic home page?? Because that is not what I was expecting.

Also, this button? Broken. Even if it wasn't, why is there a "learn more" nestled inside a "more" ??

The heart is not centered on the comic page.

These two buttons pertain to the right menu but are not on the right menu. Nor do they line up with it.

(Even as I am taking screenshots the page keeps shifting left and right as I move my mouse aggg)

So much blank spaaacee.

Another big thing! Lots of broken stuff!


This page comes up a lot!! Like, in every page of my comic on the mobile site!
Also seems to come up occassionally when I hit the back button.

There is no way to get to this page like this anymore except by typing in the url. Small thing, but I wish this page was still where you started reading a comic, instead of on the first page.

Of course, I have no website design experience. This is just how I feel as your average reader/creator. If you think I'm wrong, feel free to tell me I'm wrong. But I think it is possible that there are other people who feel the same way I do, or who have seen things I've missed. If so, please post those below too.

The visual nitpicks may be a matter of personal opinion, but I at the very least think the comic getting cut off on small screens, the broken button, the jumpy screen because of the scroll bar, and the broken pages are worth tapas taking a look at.

  • created

    May '20
  • last reply

    Jun '20
  • 25


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  • 16


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Seeing as how this is the first new iteration of the March update, there's bound to be some bugs and things to iron out and fine tune for sure.

But I agree it would be nice if the side bar could be toggled to expand or collapse into a slim bar like in the iteration pre-March when you could collapse the left bar into just the episode thumbnails.

I also agree with the comment section, though I guess 95% of comments never reach a length that it's too troublesome. But it does get to be a chore looking through a comment chain of replies since it reduces the space even further. like this

The only complaint I have about the site changes is just the fact that the side bar is stuck there. It would be nice to toggle it on or off. :s

Well. Using full screen mode is removing the bar

Yeah, I find it kinda cluttered as well. It's a step in the right direction, though. So I hope it only gets better going forward.

RE: side bar. I dont like that it "auto adjusts", changing from the current feature to the [next] previous one...especially when I'm scrolling the page- what if I wasnt done looking at the page?

Excellent post. : )

Toggling the List view off (thanks @Cavechan : D) dissipates the horizontal crowding, at least.

Maybe default to having the List view off? Or at least, make it more obvious that clicking "List" will turn it off--this was not at all clear to me until I read @Cavechan's post.

Agree with basically everything. Nice summary.

Also, love Millennium haha. Deo deserves that long comment and so many more!

It led to an error page on my browser. I'm not sure what 'up to date' means but it is possible I just missed filling something out on my page?

I'd send a screenshot but tapas seems to be down right now.

Haha I was going to do the same. Keep forgetting it's down. Our team is working on getting it up.

The link behind the banner is set by the creator. For example, if you had make a link to your Patreon and it's no longer active, you may receive an error. Otherwise this should work.

I also use Chrome, and I can agree that the strange flickering thing is incredibly annoying. It was bugging out all last night while I was online.