16 / 26
May 2020

Yeah, I find it kinda cluttered as well. It's a step in the right direction, though. So I hope it only gets better going forward.

RE: side bar. I dont like that it "auto adjusts", changing from the current feature to the [next] previous one...especially when I'm scrolling the page- what if I wasnt done looking at the page?

Excellent post. : )

Toggling the List view off (thanks @Cavechan : D) dissipates the horizontal crowding, at least.

Maybe default to having the List view off? Or at least, make it more obvious that clicking "List" will turn it off--this was not at all clear to me until I read @Cavechan's post.

Agree with basically everything. Nice summary.

Also, love Millennium haha. Deo deserves that long comment and so many more!

It led to an error page on my browser. I'm not sure what 'up to date' means but it is possible I just missed filling something out on my page?

I'd send a screenshot but tapas seems to be down right now.

Haha I was going to do the same. Keep forgetting it's down. Our team is working on getting it up.

The link behind the banner is set by the creator. For example, if you had make a link to your Patreon and it's no longer active, you may receive an error. Otherwise this should work.

I also use Chrome, and I can agree that the strange flickering thing is incredibly annoying. It was bugging out all last night while I was online.

Same here! The new PC interface is terribly inconvenient.:tired_face:
The episode list is now on the right. Although more convenient on the left. The comic page is invisible until you hide this list, that is, you must constantly switch! To view comments now also include a separate list.
Return as it was !!! :sob:

The "flickering" happens when the episode list in the List column on the right is moused-over--for some reason that makes the browser window's scroll bar disappear, causing page elements to shift over abruptly.

I came here just to complain about the comment scroll list view. Like WHHYYYYY???It makes it so much harder to reply to comments.

I'm not a fan of the upgrade. The comment scroll list is as annoying as hell. I almost stopped reading someone's series because of it, which is awful, because the series is quite good and I wanted to leave comments for the creator.

I also find the design feels too cluttered. There must be a good in-between with all of these upgrades they've been doing. I like that they returned the episode list. Not a fan of the pop-up, that confused the heck out of me. I'd return the comments the way they were.

15 days later

I'm having a hard time not noticing the thick grey bars at the bottom and top of my screen when I'm reading. It just feels claustrophobic when reading top down like I have less reading space. I would prefer an option to just have them going along the sides vertically so I can read down my whole screen. But I do love having the ability to easily access comments, font size, and night mode.

IDK if it's the new website or it's always been an issue, but how come there is no marker for when a story is complete? I've been having a lot of trouble telling what stories are done and what stories were abandoned...