28 / 60
Nov 2018

OOOH I'm in love with this! :heart_eyes: It's like they're in action, just waiting to see who or rather what's gonna pop out around the corner. Very tense, but you know, you see what they're both like! Pretty great rendition all around! You mind if I use it as a reference if I need it for a future artist?

Haha what about my main underdogs from my webcomic? XD if they're still open that is

Aw man >.< I have tons of characters if you're still open to doing stuff. Here's a few:

Laeneth Alkos (young adult female human; sci-fi)

Here's an image by another artist:

And a sprite I've made of her:


Laeneth is 18, just out of high school. She works at her friend's family bakery—usually as a cashier, but sometimes they let her decorate the cakes, which she loves to do. She's half mediterranean (Greek), half northern European, kinda tall (about 5'7"), athletic build, thicker legs.

She was on the volleyball team in high school until she got kicked off due to "creative differences" with her teammates. She loves to draw, and she crafts figurines and miniatures. She's obsessed with bears because she thinks they're the cutest. She always carries a teddybear keychain that she made.

She has an anxiety disorder that she's still learning how to deal with, but she compensates by being even more impulsive and sarcastic. She also has a strong sense of responsibility and will stand up for anybody she sees being bullied, even if they're not her friend.

If she was a Sailor Scout, she'd 10000% be Sailor Jupiter.

Believe it or not, the story's actually sci-fi thriller.

Zen Matson (young adult male human; sci-fi)

Here's a sprite I made of him:

Physical appearance

Similar to this photo regarding face shape, hair style, and hair/skin color (including the hair dye):

But clean-shaven. He doesn't have gauges in his ears, but his earlobes are pierced. He also has a couple cartilage piercings in one ear + a lip ring.

He's 18, hispanic (Mexican-American), about 5'10", average weight/build.


He'll usually dress in alternative-ish clothes when he's at work (his parents own a bakery/café, so he'd be wearing an apron over them anyway), but when he's not at work, he likes really "loud" punk/goth fashion. He'd find a way to incorporate one of his fandoms, like through a graphic t-shirt, enamel pin, or clothing patch. He's especially obsessed with an electro-metal band called the Dragon Steeds and a film-noir/action graphic novel series about vampires called Bloodsport.


Alternates between grumpy and energetic (which is usually just him over-compensating for being upset). Despite practically living in a bakery, he's got a crappy home life. Sometimes he can drown everything out while practicing drums, but other than that he likes to be out of the apartment as much as possible. He doesn't have many friends, so he'll usually go alone—either find someplace to read one of his graphic novels, go walk around the mall, or set up some sort of prank and record people's reactions.

He's easily angered by injustice & oppression, especially against groups he can relate to. He has a particular dislike for the rich and the police, so they're usually the targets of his mischief. He dreams of becoming a vigilante-superhero or a rock star—whichever happens first.

He's from the same story as Laeneth (they're coworkers).

Drika Van Meer (young adult female human; fantasy)




A navy-colored, button-up dress, a long-sleeve white blouse, and an orange silk apron tied around her waist. The bodice of the dress would be square and low to show the blouse underneath. She wouldn't wear makeup.


She's 19, blonde, caucasian (Dutch), and has brown eyes. Average build/height.

Logical, curious, and compassionate.

She's just finished her freshman year of college. She's studying medicine to please her parents, but she dreams of traveling and studying wildlife around the world. Since she grew up in the countryside, she's somewhat sheltered and socially-awkward. She spends most of her time studying—either for class or for fun.

Unlike her family, she's non-spiritual and a budding feminist (compared to the fictional steampunk-ish Edwardian-era country she lives in). If they existed in her universe, Drika's idols would be Jane Goodall and Newt Scamander.