Sweden tapas.io/series/FLB
I have way too many OC's, but currently kinda stuck with just Sheshebens.
Read my comic about a boy who thinks too much:
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- Sep 1, '18
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- May 9, '20
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- Jun 22, '20
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Any fish is good! I have a character that collects all kinda fish things so he must have some freshwater ones in his collection. I've heard of napoleonfish before! They're so funky i gotta draw one.
My comic is gonna have a lot of fish (+ mermaids) and I always want to be accurate and include real life fish that act like they should, but it's difficult knowing where to begin as I've never been a huge fish fan... The size of Wikipedia can be jarring and it could take hours to find something usef…
I found out how to make my comic the quickest for me personally and it's just sketching the characters (really badly) in one layer and slapping on the colors in a layer below. I only separate the background layers. Most the work is done using blending modes which is a bit hard to explain to beginner…
Feels crazy it's already been a year since I made the first one hoo... I suppose my coloring and contrasts just became more solid and not much else happened. (my pages are long oops) [image][image]
I always enjoy researching really mundane things done in the past such as when soap was invented and how people did the laundry, you learn a lot about how difficult some things used to be and how dirty people were.. I've also had to research skin diseases which doesn't have very fun pictures loll. …
I love these things! I finally can post my earliest art of my comic cast without it being too spoilery anymore from 2017 back when they weren't human (with a cut character) [image] and here they are now! [image][image]
Ojdå nu händer det grejer hörrni, vart är alla svenskar nånstans?
Mines still a big work in progress but I spent a lot of time making it! It's obviously just Europe broken up but that may also change eventually. Most of the names are just silly references since I'm Swedish and my co-writer Spanish. [image] I have a lot of different stories taking place in the …
Deirdre (right)... I haven't been able to resist drawing her for ages but it might still be another half year until she appears. My cast is very small so every character counts and she brings a lot of fun scenes and character development for the rest. (not to mention shes very fun to draw) [image] …
Me too here with mental health themes in my comic! I self project a ton on my main character and I'm autistic, so I suppose he is too. The comic also tackles depression and anxiety and is mostly about learning how to cope.
My main character is big asexual and is surrounded by a lot of other asexuals and aromantics. Platonic relationships all the way (my comic is a bit of a slow burn but it'll all be very obvious)
I struggle a lot to figure out how to even explain my comic or how to make it sound interesting to readers because it doesn't really follow any kind of set genre or formula, so that's what makes mine stand out. It's just kind of a story about friends talking about life and that's about it. Setting m…
I'm rebooting my series so here we go again!
Colors, mood and feelings is what my comic is all about.
Acquired my dream tablet Wacom Intuos Pro Medium last year and not planning on changing that as long as it lasts. Before then I went through 3 different types of Wacom tablets I don't remember the names of anymore, managed to break the cord on 2 of them. I never really liked the idea of screen table…
Sweden! I live in a little city about an hour away from Stockholm. Edit: It's not apparent yet but my comic is gonna become a giant love letter to Scandinavia full of trolls and taigas.
mines from this (mario & luigi dream team) [image]
Redrawing this lovely lady for the 3rd time! Looking forward to how she develops in the coming years haha [image] [image]
My comic is pretty tame so far but is going to tackle a lot of adult themes. It's mostly made for myself (I'm 21) and doesn't suit everyone but it's essentially about being an adult and coming to terms with how confusing the world is, how to find purpose and living life to the fullest (mental illnes…
On hiatus right now but made a new poster! [image]
Just like many others mentioned, the future. Right now I'm trying to not get myself stuck on how much I dislike the way my story starts and instead focus on making the future much much better. I'm in fact even rebooting my comic in a way to help myself let go of the things I don't like. The past was…
Hello! Maybe my boy, his fashion is mostly victorian inspired but his casual outfits could work! [image][image] It's also worth noting if you add him and drawing him in a crowd, he's super tiny (4'11")
My main character's comfort food is mayonnaise. Just plain mayonnaise he eats straight out of the jar. Everyone cringes from the concept which is what makes it so funny to me. [image]
I really like stories who cares about a character having a family and also showing at least a bit of their dynamic. Most the time a persons personality is because of the way they grew up and the people around them during that time and I sometimes feel like comic's just forget someone came from somew…
My philosophy is to not overdo it on details while making it as diverse as possible. Work on the character until they're simplest they can be but still be recognizable, saves time too when it comes to comics. It depends on art style though, I draw cartoony so I often go crazy with body types and fac…
I did, It's excellent! It's a bit hard to display the print quality through just photos but it's very professional looking and does absolutely everything I wanted it to. The ink capacity is also incredible, have printed close to 50 color drawings and photos now and still only about 20% through the …
I have 2 British Shorthairs so I can assure you their cheeks are just as squishy and adorable. I don't think it's one of them judging from the pictures though, but can't say for certain. Just keep in mind pedigree cats like this are very expensive, at least where I am. Here is mine for reference if …
My comic isn't really supposed to be cute but a lot of people say my art style is haha