114 / 434
Aug 2020

Yes, I actually made it for the old version of comic, so it's like one year old. It's still very small, I wanted a place where fans, readers and people can gather and talk. When something important happens, I use it to announce things. Everyone can join :slight_smile: I like to build community.

I've got a couple.

This is so nice of you! I really hope the heatwave dies out soon, I know how dangerous they can be.

I leave the link to my novel, I hope you like it! It's about a guy that can hear the voice of his narrator, who wants him to find true love, despite the guy's protests.

Oh my goodness, thank you so so much! :slight_smile: I'm so pleased to hear that you liked it -- and especially that you clicked with Hannah's character, because her character arc is pretty much the point of the book, and it makes me happy when people enjoy her, for all of her faults. You totally made my day with this -- thank you!

Thanks for the post! Let me know what you think!

you cannot really read my comic, but if you have some little time you are most welcome to watch my little animation! Let me find some good luck for you!

Hey, I'd be very glad if you checked my comic out!



Hell I'm not too proud for a comment or to go fishing for a complement. Its really sweet that you're offering and hope your summer gets a little cooler than Satan's front porch. :imp:

Moar comments!

@Rodimus13 Hey, I'm in love with Transformers so I will love a robot. :smiley: I love the setting of your panel layouts, your lineart especially makes me happy! I love how you build the suspense of the first few pages, and keep me curious to see how everything unfolds. You do great work there, make sure to keep it up!

@mikeampao1 The detail in your comic is crazy good! I love your patience with your panels, they're so full of detail and colour, and I just LOVED that intro. Also thank you for writing a clear summary, it helps me as a new reader understand exactly what I'll be in for! :smiley: Keep it up!

@lauragarcia511 I enjoy your art a lot, you draw your characters beautifully! I don't know Spanish though, haha. Your palettes and colour choices are beautiful, keep on being awesome!

@Aykay While you have some grammar mistakes, I liked the beginning a lot! Somehow this story would look amazing visualized, and I always appreciate that in a original setting! Your descriptions are fun to read, I hope you'll keep those being as awesome as they are now. :smiley:

@naseembebe Of all the comics here, yours was thus far the most pleasant change of pace. I loved the simplicity, the cuteness and the positivity it gave off! Your comic has a lot of potential I can just tell you will take care off just beautifully. Keep up the good work dear!

@youu2sef I very much loved your summary to start with! Your novel is easy for me to follow, the dialogue on point and very direct. I enjoyed your desriptions the most, they're very detailed and fun to read! Keep it up!

@ScarletDemon I picked Sky Garden for this! I just LOVE how you introduce us to your world! You explain evrything perfectly, and make sure your reader understands exactly what your world is like and what happened. I cannot believe people are sleeping on this one omg. Keep up the great work!

@sanoan Why is everybody sleeping on your comic??? The art, the designs- I love them all! I hope you're not overworking yourself here omg, I can only imagine the time and effort put in your panels! You do great work man, keep it up holy heck.

@cherrystark Okay, I LOVE huge summaries okay. I just dig those. You explained everything about your work in such detail it was easy for me to dive in. Your work is the first work where I can just sit back and relax like I'm reading a published book, my god what a gem. I just love how you introduced Jamie to us, she's such a likable character. Keep up the good work!

@MeLovesTacos I love how you jumped instantly into the action and presented the problem to the readers, that is definitely my weakness. XD Joey is such a lovable character, its hard not to want to know how he's gonna get himself out of the situation and into the next. The beginning did pull at the heartstrings though, omg, major kudos for that. I love your writing style a lot too, I think I can relate so much because we're both Dutch native speakers, so I enjoy it a lot haha! Keep up the good work, I loved it already!

@pepasmaga2 I checked out your comic the other day but I think my comment got lost somewhere... Anyways, I LOVE your art style and dark-skinned characters with green hair are my major weakness haha. I love the character names, the panel art, omg there is so much to love! Your setting is a breath of fresh air in what I've seen so far, so major points on that! Keep up the good work, its so interesting already!

Thanks! I'm excited about reading your story one day! Now I just need to make time to read it, which isn't easy with so much working at the moment haha. Glad you enjoyed the chapters you read ^^