248 / 321
Mar 2021

This is my very first webcomic ( I'm fairly new at this whole thing !!!) The genres are Action, LGBTQ+, and horror ^^!! It takes place in a post apocalyptic land taken by demons and among them is a survivor known as The Demon Slayer, and she has a thirst for revenge. This is inspired by DOOM, Samurai Jack, Borderlands, and Mad Max ^^!!!!

Hiya, I’d love it if you wanted to review mine!

23 days later

Come check mine out if you want!

Assuming you're still doing these and you're open to reading superhero comics, be sure to check out "Project: Achilles"!

We are new on Tapas. Now we creating our series
Here we go :blush:

"Grave of Memories"
Now reach 37 Episodes
Genre : Action/Fantasy
The Sinopsis : It all started when God inflicts a curse upon the deceased so they are forgotten the moment they passed. But an anomaly causes a child unaffected by the curse. Is that anomaly a divine fallacy? Or does it have an intentional purpose?


Thanks for attention :heart_eyes:

Hey everyone here is my comics that i update every friday.


I hope you will like it

I’m sure you are overwhelmed with people wanting reviews. My comic is fairly new and just getting into the meat of the story. Would probably prefer a review once some more of it is posted but still going to share here now. Please check it out if you have time.

Hello! Here's my manga called Divine Devil.
Genre: dark magical girl, supernatural, shoujo, fantasy, mystery, horror.

Hi :slight_smile:
if you still want some webcomics, i would be horned to get a review :slight_smile:
My Comic is "Grim Reaper in training". By now I have 7 episodes, all really long from 40-70 panels and I update every two weeks :slight_smile:

that's pretty fucking cool
I want to thank you for the gesture, even if you don't get around to reading mine
obviously I'll post my link too. It's a dark fantasy horror/mystery

fair warning if you do decide to check it out, it's graphic, so do not feel oblidged to check it if that's not something you're confortable with
once again, great work and thank you

Hello I'm interested in this!

Like your idea of supporting new comics. If you're still doing it here is link to mine.

20 days later

I'm not very far along but this is my first comic and I'm very proud!

15 days later

Greetings! I updated Menmar a few days ago! Check it out!

Hello! I'm interested in this. We only have two episodes published on Webtoon canvas and one episode on Tapas. Would you still be interested?

I am currently drawing the next chapter of mine. Also the art style gets better the more you read I promise lmao
I hope you enjoy and continue to read lol

Genre: Action, Comedy, Adventure, Fantasy