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Sep 2023

Hey all! I've been posting my writings on Tapas since 2021 and I'm hoping to find some gems to read, and share my gems in return haha.

What I will do:
Read at least the first chapter of your novel (sorry, no comics at this time) and give general feedback about premise, pacing, character development, descriptions, etc. I will do my best to be fair and thorough with my comments.

*No Explicit Scenes. If it does have those, sorry, but I won't be reading it, and I will tell you so by replying to your comment. This only applies to the first chapter.
*No Backtalk. Lol. I understand that our works are our babies, but please also understand I am taking personal time to read your work and I'm not interested in getting into fights here. This is just general impressions of your first chapter, and nothing I say about it will be everyone's opinion anyway.

What I'm hoping for in return:
That some people might read my work and give feedback too! I will be commenting them separately below my initial post. Reading my stories is not a requirement to have me read your first chapter, but it would be super appreciated and just overall a nice thing to do, don't you think?

While I don't expect a lot of people to respond (who am I anyway, right?) if this gets to be too overwhelming I will start picking and choosing which stories to read, or close the thread altogether.

Thanks and happy writing!

  • created

    Sep '23
  • last reply

    Oct '24
  • 226


  • 8.2k


  • 1


  • 199


  • 50


Short Story (4 chapters)

An army besieges the city walls as Charlotte lays awake in her bed, knowing that at any second the enemy could break through and swarm the castle.

All Charlotte wants to do is be helpful to her father. But she is just a young princess. What can she do against the forces bent on tearing everything she loves to the ground?

Gaijan - Novella (17 chapters)

A young magician's apprentice sets off on a journey to prevent a terrible evil from spreading throughout the land.

But the source of this immense power is housed in the most unexpected of places.

Gaijan, though unsure of himself at first, proves to be the right apprentice for the quest. Although, the solution wasn't ideal for all parties involved.

Can he make it right in the end?

Aliel - Novella (31 chapters)

An ancient magic binds two souls irrevocably together. One soul belongs to a seemingly unremarkable human. The other, an elven prince. Is this magic strong enough to keep them together, or will their differences tear the bond asunder?

Burning Waters - Ongoing (9 chapters so far)

A harrowing journey lies ahead. The world has been besieged by a threat that none can fight: Water. Deadly, burning water. Atha must brave the final crossing to safety. Will she be able to keep her secret hidden from her fellow travelers? What dangers await her on the other side?

Opposites Attract

Overall a good start, premise is very clear and to the point.
Descriptions of the environments could be a little better, but I love the imagery of Alexsis struggling with her tie the whole way to school lol.
My suggestions:
Condense the backstory a little, or better yet find ways to sprinkle it in throughout later chapters. It just felt like a bit too much all in one go.
There is one paragraph near the end of the chapter where you tell the audience that Celeste was not happy to hear that Alexsis was admitted to the school. But how would Alexsis know this? Does she stay in contact with Celeste? It sounded like they hadn't seen or spoken to each other since they were 9. So I'd suggest removing that paragraph, or word it in a way that has Alexsis worrying that that is how Celeste would feel about it. Make sure you know who the pov character is at any given time.

Hope this helps!

Please read the original post, not doing comics! Sorry!

Fading Echoes

Wow, I am truly impressed!
This prologue was very well done.
Descriptions of the rain, the tragic backstory, secondary character descriptions, all beautiful and making me itch to read more.
My Suggestions:
I find myself wanting more description of the main character Aoi. As of now I have no idea what she looks like, though I do have an excellent idea of her feelings and an inkling of her motivations. Although maybe you meant it to be that way since this is just the prologue.
Overall it was very good!

thank you and did mean it to be like that but people can see the cover or the banner for the main character's description.
i put a lot of emotion into this novel

That's very sweet of you! I hope to be considered :slight_smile:

Also would you consider the prologue a chapter bc I have one before my chapter 1 so not sure if that would change anything in your offer.

Thanks again!

Nulled of Color and Sound

I read both the prologue and first chapter, and I really liked them both!
Your descriptions really put me straight into the story, and while I'm not exactly sure where the story is going, I'm sensing a big adventure!
My suggestions:
Go over your chapters with a fine-tooth comb again. There were a couple of spots where I think a word is missing or something because I had to fill in the gaps with the context around it. That can take the reader out of the story if they have to do that. Sorry I can't give any specifics though, and don't worry, it happens to me all the time! My brain is sometimes too fast for my typing haha.
Overall very good!

Any and all feedback is greatly appreciated! I can believe that I could be missing a few words here or there. It's still very kind of you to read what I have.

Thank you so much! I'll definitely keep you posted when I get a chance to read yours :slight_smile:


England, 1982. Young Harry Brooker is on the run from a troublesome situation. Believing wholly in the saying "It takes a village to raise a child" he takes up lodgings in the small English village of Cubbington. But there are signs that all is not well in this village. Why does no one come to visit Cubbington? Why are those that visit the place arrested as soon as they visit? Why are the villagers so keen on taking walks during various phases of the lunar cycle? Brooker must solve the mystery behind this mysterious village, and nobody wants to let him find out...