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Apr 2021

Let's imagine you are a powerful mage taking down powerful enemies, but in the middle of a battle you run out of magic. You are way weaker in combat without magic, and while you can recharge it, it takes time in which you are vulnerable......what do you do to win and/or survive?

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There are 49 replies with an estimated read time of 4 minutes.

If I were in the middle of combat, I would simply NOT run out of mana. RIP to other mages, but I'm different. XD

Seriously, though, if your magic is a limited resource, and you're practically useless without it, then this is a scenario you would go to great lengths to avoid, and devise contingencies if it were unavoidable. The obvious solution is to retreat or hide, as the situation warrants. But I would think a magic user would keep around a melee-oriented companion or two to protect them in these scenarios. Or perhaps they would prepare a magic item like an invisibility potion or teleportation scroll or what have you for just such an occasion.

Use the power of talking things out as people and questioning my opponent's philosophies and world views to buy time in order to recharge. Hopefully they fall for it and don't turn me into fried, crunchy deliciousness immediately.

If the enemies aren't sapient, then I run for my life and try to hide.

That depends on how fast I can recharge my Mana.:thinking:

If it's just a few minutes, I'll try to run like a chicken with his head cut off.
But if it takes too much time, I'll go down with every ounce of strength I have left.

I'd use the power of pay to win and buy more magic (jk xD)

be careful for the magic of microtransactions comes at a deadly price for real life......

If i ever add such thing in a videogame i would frame it as a deal with demons or something XD

In this situation, are my friends here fighting by my side ?
If no, how fast can I run and for how long ? :joy:

In this situation, I would highly recommend that prior to going into battle, I would ask my colleagues if it would be okay for me to bring my Glock 19, just as a safety measure. They would be uncomfortable at first but I roll a 20 on a convince roll to explain that I had prior gun safety training and that I've had a license to carry for 5 years.

Attempt to run, hide and generally evade. Also if I can pull any tricks to mislead the enemy about where I am or how much magic I have left, I'd try to do that. So maybe like strafe around while chanting and waving my arms like I'm charging up some kind of uber-powerful spell or attack and I'm actually trying to lock onto them to hit them with it so they try to evade me could be an effective stalling tactic.
Alternatively, do the exact last thing anyone expects a mage to do; run in with a sword. It's risky, but they might get caught by surprise. When I did karate in my teens, I found that doing unexpected things can usually work once on any given opponent. Charge in flailing your arms and screaming, or use a jump kick as a feint; it's totally illogical and goes against the drills, so it catches people off guard. This works well if you're being hunted by wolves. If you run, the wolves know to chase you because you're prey, and if you growl at them and strike out with a stick, they know to attack you as a threat, but if you wave your arms and make weird noises, they might actually just run away because they don't know what the hell you're going to do and don't want to risk finding out.

Right there right then, I would surpass my limits and hit a Mana Zone: Death Thrust

Consider the life choices: Mage? Cleric? Mage? Cleric? Mages are legendary.. Clerics can petition for divine protection..

This happens to my protagonist sometimes and (if he can’t talk his way out of it) he just throws stuff. Anything not tied down, like rocks, or sticks, or mud pies.

If that doesn’t work he legs it, screaming “Aaaaaah!”

Then stops and facepalms, remembering he has a sword on his belt.

Personally though, I would do the running and screaming thing from the beginning. :sweat_smile:

I would bluff to still have the magic while thinking of ways to escape.
But if I were to be strong, I wouldn't actually throw myself in combats. I like to watch action but never to experience it.

If it's anything like Skyrim, run around like a panicked chicken and wait until that MP Regen kicks in :joy:

Uh, find an improvised weapon, preferably something that can do damage if thrown hard enough/used well (i.e., a rock, tree branch). Alternatively, hide until you regain your magic.

I might be a mage weaker in combat without magic, but that doesn't stop me from attempting to fight. I'd try either punching enemies with my staff or fists or I'll try kicking them. Or I might just throw stuff at them hoping someone will get knocked out. xD

I would runaway or surrender, one has to be intelligent and know their limitats lmao