11 / 11
May 2020

If my characters were fishes the'd drown because the are just as unapt as as me.

vicious, beautifully ugly, with an odd feeling of time... effy...

OMG they are definitely Grace and Clay!!! Even their colors match.

I guess that Lucien is a Betta fish. They can be friendly to their keepers but aggressive with other betta fishes, engages in fights with other Bethas that end up in death.

Farah would be an angelfish, smart, playful, can confuse smaller fishes with food, will fight for her space.


Olivier would be a smol ordinary goldfish :joy: likely to be bullied by the other two.

They would be in the same tank and the pet owner would be praying daily that they don't kill each other.

True true..............

now these are the good questions!

ummm I think I would be a goldfish or somethind the hamster... would be a shark or something :V

Jeez. I can't stop re-watching this video and laugh.

"They're not kissing, they are vying for dominance"

Why is it so funny?!!