437 / 708
Dec 2020

The person behind Arbiter’s Wake:

My name is Mara. I am 32 years old. I am originally from Germany, but now I live in the states. I am a U.S. Army Veteran. I have always been an artist at heart however, and have recently been a full time student working on my BFA in studio art.

Creating this webcomic is therapeutic for me, as someone who suffers with the symptoms that come with Crohn’s Disease and Rheumatoid Arthritis. I look forward to this every day and hope that others may be inspired as well.

Arbiter's Wake:

The wells that control the flow of magic throughout the land of Pharlahaim have mysteriously been sealed by a powerful spell in an event known as the Great Castigation. This has created an imbalance of power between humans and other races. Wars have broken out between once allied nations. Disease and plague tear through cities and villages.

Keyary, a frail and sickly girl, is thrown into this dark new world after her village, Raegone, is attacked by an enemy militia. The last thing she was told to do is reach Valasse, the free city of magic and dragons, to find the cure for her ailment.

However, no one who has ventured to the city since the Great Castigation has ever returned. Are dragons, the guardians of these magical wells, to blame or is there a more sinister reason?

WEBTOON and Tapas:



well, here is my comic. I hope you really like it:


Hello! I’m 34 and working at a K-8 school as the librarian, though during COVID I’ve been reading over zoom and teaching drawing lessons. I started drawing my comic in October because I was feeling overwhelmed and needed an outlet. Its just a little something that makes me happy and hopefully makes other people happy, too :rainbow:

I'm 27, I got tired of waiting to tell this story and I'm happy it's finally getting out there! (And that I don't have to keep revising the opening and can actually move the characters forward lol)

I'm a freshly minted 26 y/o interior designer and I've been working on my comic for a little over a year while creating new character goods that I sell through my etsy..! I am trying to live my life more passionately as of late. If you want to make something just do it!

Hi there! I am 25 y/o I was a freelance graphic artist but wasn't actually employed after graduating so I started selling my paintings and doing mural services; I also help run my family business and now started my own cafe business.
Its a pretty hectic schedule but I still get to do what I want, is passionate with my work and now I just started my web comic this year ^^

I'm Matt Hancox!
30 years old,
working 30 hours a week in IKEA,
and I've only just started releasing my series last year.

I was stuck in a cycle of drawing the first few chapters, hating them and scrapping everything to start again, so I've been working on this series since I was in high school.

My series is Raiden Legacy,
a Shonen inspired comic about teenage mercenaries fending off assassins after the bounty on their heads while exploring the world.
Kinda generic I guess, but it's also very personal to me; I put a lot of my past issues with self-confidence and burnout into the characters side stories. Writing it has been a form of therapy for me, so despite the fact I should probably have moved on, it's important to me that I finish.

Never tell yourself that you're too old to work toward a dream.

Thats a great idea :slight_smile:
Hey Sarah (and others) Im Kare, 28, I do Computer Security during the day, work on comics, art, game development, and Youtube during the night.
one job keeps me alive physically, and the other keeps me alive mentally.
I want to transition to where my art is what Im doing fulltime. I dont hate my job but im realizing that mentally i work better when I can make my own schedule. I want to do many things, sell at conventions, create stories, Share beauty and inspiration and hope maybe to the world through what I do. I want to connect with people this is the best way for me I feel.

Hi, I'm 28! Here's my most recent page and my comic:

I´m a 45 year old musician from germany.
I was drawing when I was a teenager and picked it up again at the age of 40 after some
events in my life. I started relearning it because of zero knowledge of anatomy, perspective,
any theory.
At the moment I´m working on the book of my brother, it plays in the medieval time in our
hometown. I tried around with some techniques, charcoal, pencil mostly. I want the panels
to have something like a natural look which leaves a lot of space for imagination.
My brother wants a graphic novel with only a few pictures, but I´m drawing it as a comic
first because I think in comics

I'm due to turn 30 in just a few days. I've been drawing all my life and talked for years about making comics without ever committing until I had the time to do so until I became unemployed during the quarantine. I would love to make a living with my art but I'm not to the point where I can do that right now.

hey there ^^
Im 26 too and i just decided to take writing more seriously. I have only just started uploading my novel on tapas but have plans on expanding the publishment on amazon etc. Originally i really wanted to make this story into a comic but i didn't manage to find an artist who was willing to work with me so i said f*** it and decided to release the novel as is.
Anyway, this is my work. Its fucked up but if you like fucked up then its gonna feed your soul lmao

This thread is very much what I need! So much <3 and admiration for the super young creators on here, but it's nice to find peers, too! I'm a 30 year old playwright who is trying to use tapa/webtoon to motivate myself to finish a graphic novel project, something I've never seen through because omg drawing takes sooooo much longer than writing! My comic is about dragons and nature and friendship and loneliness, and it has a lot of environmentalist themes! Idk how to describe my art style other than "uses a lot of watercolor brushes in procreate." If you like my art I would love to be friends / sub4sub / get to know each other!

I love your art style! Are you posting your comic on tapa and if so can I have a link? I can't read german but I would follow for the art alone. Also I just feel a lot of solidarity with any creator who isn't still in their twenties, so...

Hi I'm a 30 year old art teacher at a community art teacher and substitute teacher for k-12, though during covid I have mostly been doing zoom art lessons. I started my comic in October because I was feeling overwhelmed and needed an outlet and.... wait r we the same person???

Anyway I really relate to your story and I also really like your art style! I just subscribed! Check out my comic if you're interested in seeing what other wayward pandemic teachers are up to, especially if you like dragons or environmentalism!

thanks a lot, this means a lot to me.
This kind of art is not what I normally do, I just do it for my brother´s novel.
I have never uploaded anything on webtoons or tapas but I´m planning to do that

I'm 26 but started working on my comic when I was 24. I work fulltime and took care of my sick father for 10 years before he died this year, leaving no time to really work on my comic or art in general. :persevere:
That's why I had close to no practice for many years and therefore my art is... well... not as good as I want it to be. It's really frustrating and embarrassing at times, especially considering how many young folks are already so good at art. Still, I want to work on my comic and see how my skills slowly grow, no matter my age.

You can check it out here, if you want to!