1 / 708
Sep 2018

I've been around here for about a week now, and one thing I've noticed is there are a bunch of really talented younger people working on comics. That is awesome, but I would also like to meet people who are a bit older, and maybe balancing their creative work with another career like I am trying to do. 25 is still pretty young (I mean I am 26 and I just realized no one is an adult and the world is run by people who only sort of know what they're doing), but maybe in a different life stage than some of the younger folks on here.

So if you are over the age of 25 (only let us know your age if you're comfortable with it), please introduce yourself and show me your stuff! Maybe share a bit about your plans for your work, other things you balance making comics or writing with in your life.

I can start, I'm Sarah, I'm 26 and currently making comics and working in a social work role, and going to grad school. I am a nervous wreck 100% of the time. I make a comic called LIM, which lets me have something to relax with and focus on that isn't work or school, and I am hoping will help me sharpen my art and story telling skills. It's a cute sort of experimental thing with some light horror elements, that I'm trying to explore some existential philosophy concepts through.

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that's such a sweet idea for a thread!
(i'm 23 but hey, at least I can find new reading material :D)

Haha, go forth into and make a 25 and younger thread! I think if I did that I would feel creepy :stuck_out_tongue:

haha it's fine, I actually got another Idea for a thread. I just wanted to say I like and appreciate your idea :smiley:

I'm known as Juta Lovelace and I'm soon to be 30.
Here is a list of the comics I posted on Tapas:

I'm a freelance artist with no real job, so I just make money however I can with my art. Recently I worked on an entry for the Webtoon contest. Didn't win but scored a honorable mention.

Hey paperwren,

I'm a 31 year old and worked full-time as a graphic designer for about half a decade while making print volumes of my comic that's going up on Tapastic in full color now. Nowadays I'm going back to school to learn a lot more about software development and team management because I wanted to increase my earning potential, and just generally get on top of technology that will dominate the job market. Never willing to give up on art entirely though!

Here's my comic if you want to check it out. It features a lot of university life so it could be up your alley.

Yay, a place where I can feel comfortable! :slight_smile:
I will be 28 in October. I live with my husband and our cat, and work as a logistic assistant. I've started my comics when I was around 15-16. Sadly for some years I can't be as productive as before. I think... that's being an adult? I don't know, I more like try to be an adult, than being one XD Anyway, recently I am about to find my way back to my comics. I never stopped doing them, I just became extra slow. So for a month I try to draw more, and color again every weekend.

Here are my comics:
Dreamcatchers is my very first comic, so it's style changed a lot.

Hi. I have been painting really only for like, a year or so, not so often at first. After a rough early adult period, I finally got myself together enough to paint more often. I was diagnosed schizophrenic, and it took a very long time to get to this point. I made my first finished comic series in 2012, I started it while on the streets of riverside. I finished it with 3 issues with 3 chapters per issue while living in a group home. I spent time writing, and tried making a graphic novel out of a work that was a year of writing for me.

My current project is the Epic of Aphromann. It is about a man, who became a slave as a child to relieve his family's debts. He fights for the entertainment of the Egyptians and eventually impresses a general who makes him a captain to finish paying for his freedom. He becomes a mercenary when the general is killed in combat from the mistake of an older captain.

He travels across many parts of the world, in a time that was post persian and post alexander the great, but pre ottomans. Most of the time he is poor, buying new gear as older pieces wear out. Eventually he finds better gear that are gifts of the gods.

The story goes into a romance and afair and tragedy, that is relieved by fulfilling a task set by a god/goddess.

I am painting each scene on a 9x12 mixed media drawing pad. They are scanned by a local print shop at 4k resolution, and I do prints for my home so I may look at my story while in the living room and not have to touch the originals. It used to take me a full week to complete one piece in 24 hours of work, my last piece I feel is my best, and only took 12-13 hours to complete and only 3-4 working days. My goal for inktober is to paint a total of four pieces, but I may be able to do eight pieces.

at the date and time of this post I am 29 years old.

I'm 26. I used to work at Toys R Us, but for obvious reasons I don't anymore. Right now I'm taking a few months off before finding another job and working on various writing projects. One of them is this novel.

Neat thread!
We're a duo, @LortiaMJB is the illustrator and he's 25, @minerrale is the writer and she's (I'm) 26 (and a half! am older than you, fella! sorry)
I was an assistant for the longest time, did a bunch of different jobs along the same lines until I lost everything I had for the second time and decided that it was enough, I got only the one life, I'm going to have fun. So I left my country and my job to join Lortia and became a full-time writer!
He used to be a construction worker, a paver to be exact, until a few months ago it became too much for him and he had the same epiphany as I did (luckily without the depressing circumstances) and now is a full-time illustrator as well.
Below are our main comic and novel, we're still working on more!

Well i guess I'm giving away my age right now... but.. ohhhhh well
I'm Danita I'm 25 and I've been working on my comic Maximum Chaos since 2015, unfortunately i don't do that full time, its a side thing for now.
I've been working on a second comic series called Vampire Search ( August 2018), (which is crazy of me, but i love making my stories a reality in some form or another.)

My goal is to be able to improve on my comics and character so i can do this full time, bur in the meantime i work retail. balancing can be a little hectic because i have traces of ADHD, but when i get working i work so much i forget to sleep or eat.

Hi Sara, and everyone else~

I am indeed over 25, though I recently went back to school to get my teaching credential. I'm way more busy than when I was working, especially because going to school involves quite a bit more commuting. :persevere:

I'm in my 30s, although I write stuff for younger audiences. Here are my 2 series

so amusing...starting to think i am the oldest fart on tapas at almost 50 (in a few years)

this is me when i was 19 (no bucket!)

and this is my comic

Heeey, I'm Nes. I'll be 27 this weekend, but I think my comic makes me look like I'm a 7 year old. Sometimes a messed up 7 year old :upside_down:

I'm in the middle of searching for a job right now, but I wanted to make a funny comic as a hobby. The art style is simple as hell for several reasons, the biggest being to save time, but I do try to focus and spend more time on the quality of the jokes instead.

By the way, your comic is adorable, Sarah.

Hi There!

I just turned 25 a few months ago (so hopefully you will still accept me on this thread). I unfortunately went to college and specialized way too early and ended up with a diploma in a field I didn't want to pursue (3D Modeling), so now I am stuck working a customer service job to pay off my student loans :confused: (though I am working hard to find a job in a creative field instead)

I am currently working on The Librarian Arachnid Slayer which you can read here:

Edit: Or here as I am finally uploading the series to Tapas as well:

I'm 29 ;;;;; I've been scared for the longest time but I wanna fight for my dreams and all that ^^;;; It's really hard to balance work and my dreams but I need to get there somehow.

I just recently turned 29, I currently work on two comics, one slice of life and one magical girl. I'm a full time student, trying to find a new job right now as I'm tired of working at my current one, and raising a teenager.