Holy crap! This took eight hours? Well, WORTH IT!
Okay, I *don't know why I thought like this, but it felt like I wasn't given enough to work with, so I worked with EVERYTHING!
Tho, kinda had this planned, you just added to it to make it epically funny!
Call everyrone back, we need to have a party!
*I hope he's not expecting--chocolate...O.o
I wanted to say, thank you for helping me create this wild chickenverse! Lot of this was done off the top of my head, but having y'all here made it so much better! I had wanted to throw them all together in a sort of finale thing. Don't know why, this will not be the end of the thread. I wanna do more, but...
Just to let everyone know, I have hurt my right shoulder and can't do requests for a minute, but I will be honored to do more! Just give me a few days to heal!
Just leave em here, and I'll keep on cluckin' (after I take an actual break...)
Love all y'all, hope you enjoy your weekend!