386 / 493
Feb 2021

Hello! My name is Roan, but I usually go by Tromroan on the interwebs (I play trombone.... get it) I'm from canada, and I technically just draw on the side, I go to school for composition!

This is my first time posting a webcomic on the internet, but I'm very excited to see what people think of it!

It's a horror/slice of life comic about a high-school student with Narcolepsy + Cataplexy!

I also have an art blog... where I often post about updates and things

I guess that's all from me!

It's no longer 2020, but I hope it's still okay to post here?

Today, my comic launched!

I've been working on this baby since July of 2020. To introduce myself, I'm a hobbyist artist who's been in this community a loooong time but is just starting my own webcomic now. You can call me Elo or Ella! I'm always down to chat.

To summarize Inscribed: If you like high fantasy, Indiana Jones, historical mysteries, worlds with lots of lore, LGBT+ rep that is just a bonus to a good story, and/or snarky, emotionally complex characters, Inscribed is for you!! I invite you to check it out, I'll be updating not quite every week while I'm still in classes, but definitely regularly throughout the months!

Hi everyone!

fairly new to Tapas I just have the courage to post my novel, just check it out if you want

Hello everyone!
I'm Themis and completely new to Tapas just trying to figure everything out here (like just realizing there's a forum here :joy:)
I'm the author of the webcomic "Orkus - customer service from hell" featuring a fallen angel which is now required to work office live in hell.

I'm just getting started and also hope to see lots of awesome works from everyone here!
If anyone has some good advice for me in how getting started I'm very happy to receive it. :blush:

If you'd like to give my comic a read it's here

Hello, this is Negin
I'm the creator of MR death. I'm doing this story with my partner Josh.
nice to meet you, everyone. let's befriend.
my story is about a Grim Reaper and Demon who make a mistake and get punished. Grim Reaper falls on earth to clean up his messes and meet some friends and enemies. meanwhile, there is a girl who looks really special to him.

Hello! I make anthro comic here! If you're interested in noire stories with witty and snarky animals as the main characters, have a read!

Hey, everyone. I'm new here. I just started my first comics.

Welcome! Yeah, I really didn't use the forum at first. Tapas doesn't really advertise it or put it in a spot where I notice it and remember to use it.

I hope Orkus is going well. If you're looking for some webcomic communities to join, here are some YouTube channels that helped me:

Hello everyone, Just started my own color comic this February, check it out! appreciated :blush:

Aaaaww thanks for the help! I will definitely check these out :blush:
I'm still going and just uploaded another chapter and also started a little art challenge to improve on a daily basis. Not sure how long I can keep this up but I will try hard :muscle:

I've been on Tapas for a year and I just finished my first book. Check it out :slight_smile:

Hello, all :smiley:

New to creating on Tapas, and just found the forums, so here goes :smiley:

I go by Lise (pen name) and I'm all about writing fiction (sci fi, cyberpunk, currently exploring litRPG on tapas :))
In real life I work in gamedev creating game systems. In my free time I read stories, comics, and watch puzzle YouTube videos :smiley:

Hey everyone! I'm new to the forums and I'd absolutely love to meet some new friends and chat about each other's work! Here is my new comic about best friends, found family and ghosts <3

Greetings :blank:
I'm Elysée, I am rather new on here. So if I could steel some of your time :blusht:
Here is my Historical-Fanatsy BL
It's about a young Earl trying to convince a Prince to be his Lover, but time shifts, things happen and war makes it's way towards them. A heated game of recognition, love and trust ensued. But will be the two of them strong enough to conquer all off their problems or will this war end everything?

Hello !

I'm new to the forums but I have been posting my webcomics since July 2020. It's about two highschool girls who become friends and start to write comics about the X files, their friendship and life at school.

I'm currently on maternity leave officially so probably a bit older than most of you guys, enjoying the time to draw as much as I can.

Flying Saucers